  • #1 by Wez on 17 Nov 2015
  • Hi,

    I'm struggling with the syntax for the "write to excel" action.
    I want to write a series of values to a series of incrementing cells.


    value 1 goes to cell A20
    value 2 goes to cell A21
    value 3 goes to cell A22

    I can produce the incrementing row number (row_index) variable, but I can't get the trigger to work with anything I have tried other than fixed cell references such as querymarket_id!A20.  querymarket_id!Arow_index or querymarket_id!A_row_index don't do anything.  What is the correct syntax if my user var is called row_index?

    Also, I'm at a complete loss as to what the example in the manual does - querymarket_id!Dsel_index.



  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 18 Nov 2015
  • Wez,

    You need to take trigger variables and expressions in parentheses when dealing with Excel cell addresses:



    That's how it is in the manual by the way. See chapter "Excel-Bound Variables".
  • #3 by Wez on 20 Nov 2015
  • Hi Oxa,

    Well I can say I 'm truly embarressed by not picking that up and for not even trying parenthesis!

    I bet you were thinking what we say at work in those situations - "RTFM"
    (Read the 'kin manual!)

    Thanks as always,

  • #4 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 20 Nov 2015
  • Don't worry Wez, reading manuals is not my thing either (although I have to write them - big yawn!).