Author Topic: Expanding the scope of "Remember" action  (Read 2187 times)

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Expanding the scope of "Remember" action
« on: 31 Mar 2017, 23:05 »

I have just been trying out the Remember action to learn how it works in the hope I can use it in some triggers I'm working on.

Am I right in saying that the scope is limited to the current market?  There is no "Global" scope option and the testing I did tonight suggests you can't expand the scope.

So my question is - if I want to record/remember the back price or traded average price for ALL selections in the forthcoming races of that day, how do I do that?

A typical tactic for "steamers" is to "record all traded average prices for all selections in today's racing at 11:00" and then do some maths later in the day to identify those that have been backed in.  The trigger in the attachment doesn't achieve this because of the limitation of the scope.  it only works on the next race.  How can I capture all selections for that day in one fell swoop?

I appreciate that the markets need to be monitored and this can be done at a very slow refresh rate before the off of the first race and that the relevant settings need to be set to accommodate this.



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Re: Expanding the scope of "Remember" action
« Reply #1 on: 02 Apr 2017, 14:47 »

On the contrary, the scope of the remembered variable is always Global, so you can add as many selections from across many markets as you want. Just make sure you have selected the option "Add new to already remembered" instead of "Create a new list every time".

Actually, if you want to address a set of remembered selections for a particular market, you should include the market's ID in the name of that variable, e.g. mysels_market_id.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Expanding the scope of "Remember" action
« Reply #2 on: 02 Apr 2017, 16:37 »
Hi Oxa,

Thanks for the reply - much appreciated as always.  I have read more about this weekend and today I found an example trigger which helped me understand it better and it indeed uses "market_id" within the name as you have just suggested.  I've now got a set-up which achieves what it was I was trying to do - it's running in test mode now as I type this and working as hoped.

I think the key factor that I hadn't appreciated when I first posted is that to achieve the logging of all potential selections the market has to be actively monitored.  For other systems I've programmed I typically only refresh a couple of minutes before the off.  But for this to work all markets have to be actively monitored (I think) which now makes sense!

So I now load the markets of interest using the scheduler at 10:45 and the remember trigger records the potential selections at 11:00 because I now have "start monitoring events" set to 720 mins and a refresh rate of 60 secs.  I speed up the refresh rate just before the off and stop refreshing once the market has gone in-play.

There were 23 potential selections at 11:00 today, of which 6 have resulted in a bet being placed at the off as of now.

The "remember" action is wonderful once you understand the options it gives you!



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Re: Expanding the scope of "Remember" action
« Reply #3 on: 02 Apr 2017, 20:34 »
Excellent, thanks for sharing.

Please note that the selections are removed from the remembered list once the market they belong to is deleted. So you might want to turn off "Clear My Markets" in Market Locator, so that it does not remove the existing markets before adding the new ones.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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