Author Topic: False trigger expression ???  (Read 2541 times)

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False trigger expression ???
« on: 08 Nov 2012, 13:15 »

Hi All

Does anyone know why this expression was returned as false ?

i was looking for the condition to return as true if the final figure was between -3 and -10, which it appeared to do by returning -6.

13:07:15   Checking condition and Selection's Trigger Expression g_ticks(indexprice1, last_traded) is between -3 and -10.

13:07:15   Selection: Aussie Lyrics, initial expr.: g_ticks(indexprice1, last_traded), intermediate: g_ticks(2.98,2.86), final: -6.

13:07:15   Condition is: FALSE.

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Re: False trigger expression ???
« Reply #1 on: 08 Nov 2012, 13:51 »
yes. because its between you need smallest value on left and highest on right. so
-10 between -3


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