Author Topic: % NR Reduction  (Read 1722 times)

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% NR Reduction
« on: 03 Feb 2021, 14:38 »
None runners affect races, so I am currently using condition

Selection's Trigger Expression withdrawn_number is equal to 0

I sometimes use the number of none runners already announced, so only voids bet if more none runners are announced.
Just wondering if there is a way to use the reduction %, so a long priced none runner need not necessarily void the bet?

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  • Posts: 33
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Re: % NR Reduction
« Reply #1 on: 03 Feb 2021, 22:04 »
Not sure on the specifics, but maybe the following might work?

Create a user variable for the market reduction factor at the time of making the bet (e.g. nrpc = reduction)

Then set any voiding to take place via the condition,
Selection's Trigger Expression reduction - nrpc is greater than X
where X is how much change you're willing to tolerate

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Re: % NR Reduction
« Reply #2 on: 08 Feb 2021, 12:11 »
Some excellent advice from Purity, thank you!
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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