Author Topic: frequent disconnection  (Read 1305 times)

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frequent disconnection
« on: 09 Oct 2020, 12:17 »
The connection to MFP drops every 3 or so minutes and lasts for around 10 seconds but can be up to 30 seconds before reconnecting again.
The display during disconnection reads    Available funds 0, Balance -1 and exposure -1. I was horrified seeing it for the first time.
I checked with my broadband provider (Virgin) but all is well re connection to them.
I also ensured MFP was 'allowed' by antivirus software (Malwarebytes).
As a result of this drop in connection my trigger sometimes fails to fire.
Can someone please shed some light on the subject.
Many thanks
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  • Moderator
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Re: frequent disconnection
« Reply #1 on: 09 Oct 2020, 12:40 »
Please see this topic
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