Author Topic: Help please... variable when set different!  (Read 17540 times)

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Help please... variable when set different!
« on: 26 Sep 2014, 15:14 »
I'm trying to set triggers up and when I set a user variable, line below...

set user variable Name: bp1  Value: back_price+pdif_idle_rate  Individually for each market

idle_rate is set to 2

and trigger set to refresh every 2 secs  (Execute: no more often than 2 sec)

Then I display user variables in the window, why do I get...

bp1                                              100
back_price+pdif_idle_rate           4.1

They should give the same result as they are one and the same thing aren't they?

They're never the same the same, always different!

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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #1 on: 26 Sep 2014, 21:09 »

I dont try to see if pdif_idle_rate give any result, but if it does..

set idle_rate =2 (seconds)

pdif_idle_rate will assume 2 minutes.

Get the difference??

Hope that helps you.

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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #2 on: 26 Sep 2014, 21:31 »
Now I'm confused... another post detailing some help on this said...

I think you mean the back price in the last five refreshes.
I would use 5 user variables
bp_1 <=> back_price + pdif_{idle_rate}
bp_2 <=> back_price + pdif_{idle_rate*2}
bp_3 <=> back_price + pdif_{idle_rate*3}
bp_4 <=> back_price + pdif_{idle_rate*4}
bp_5 <=> back_price + pdif_{idle_rate*5}

You may have to set up 5 constants as the idle_rate values. Remember they are in seconds not minutes.

They say its in seconds, you say its in minutes.

How do I get it in seconds?

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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #3 on: 27 Sep 2014, 16:27 »
pdif_ is measured in minutes but idle_rate is in seconds.

Here is a slightly different approach to your original question. The attached trigger will record the last 5 back prices for a selection and move them along 5 variables, with the oldest price dropping off the list. There is also a screenshot attached showing the variables. Hope this helps. 
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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #4 on: 27 Sep 2014, 20:52 »
wow, that sounds great.
Thank you

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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #5 on: 28 Sep 2014, 15:02 »
Hi MarkV,
Just wanted to say thank you for that trigger, its really clever and much appreciated.

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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #6 on: 28 Sep 2014, 17:13 »
You're welcome.
Just another thought. It might be better to replace rank with index in the conditions.

In case you have not seen it, I did something similar for your lt_ma topic.

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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #7 on: 28 Sep 2014, 17:28 »
already changed rank to index, thank you...

I'll take a look at other topic, haven't seen it

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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #8 on: 28 Sep 2014, 17:43 »
Just looked at other topic, brilliant Mark, thank you so much.

A question please Mark if you could...

I've set up thousands of triggers to automate betting systems, obviously not as accomplished as yours, dont find it that easy but manage ok.

After building so many and failing to produce a winning system, I was wondering if anyone has actually accomplished a money making, stand alone trigger system that makes money? It seems a really difficult thing to achieve, if not impossible for me!

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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #9 on: 28 Sep 2014, 18:15 »
I am not really qualified to answer your question but if you search the forum for "winning trigger", "profitable system" etc. I'm sure you will find plenty discussion on the subject.  ;)
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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #10 on: 28 Sep 2014, 18:57 »
ok thank you

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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #11 on: 29 Sep 2014, 15:24 »
Hi Mark,
Would you happen to have an idea when the back prices are scrolling as the prices change, they sometimes intermittently display a zero or a number thats way off the current back price... this doesn't happen so much as race time gets within a few minutes of starting but 5, or so, minutes before they're very unsteady?

This might happen for a minute or two and is displayed every other number so not programmable to see a steady dissection of the moving average!

I've attached a screen capture of a selections variables about 4 or 5 mins before the off and you can see the price kept jumping to 38.00 even though the back price was 4.

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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #12 on: 29 Sep 2014, 19:51 »
Even though the variables are set to individually for each market, the variable viewer is set to Global scope and is picking up a second market starting to be monitored at the same time as the first is being monitored. Ideally you should check your logs to see if the variables are being set correctly. You could also add a trigger to write the variables to a line in the action log with the market ID. That way you can check they are all good. I tried it but unfortunately my logging is broken. The trigger with the viewer will work OK if just one market is monitored.

write to action log
[market_id] [bp_1] [bp_2] etc.

Also might be worth trying to experiment with removing the first constant bp_1
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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #13 on: 29 Sep 2014, 21:20 »
Gulp... I think thats a little beyond me... can probably figure some of it out, I'll try, see how I get on!

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Re: Help please... variable when set different!
« Reply #14 on: 30 Sep 2014, 07:31 »
back to your first question.
Then I display user variables in the window, why do I get...

bp1                                              100
back_price+pdif_idle_rate           4.1

this depends on how your trigger is set.
if you have it set to all matching selections, then it will add up all selections back_price+pdif_idle_rate

if you have a condition to monitor a certain favourite, not the first favourite, the your bp1 will have the value of your set favourite.
BUT, when you type   back_price+pdif_idle_rate   in the variable screen you have not specified a favourite, so the value will always be for the first favourite.
if you want the value for certain favourite's then use.
1=first favourite
if you replaced the r with s then it would use the index number.

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