Author Topic: Help please - win/place sel_ids funny  (Read 1209 times)

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Help please - win/place sel_ids funny
« on: 24 May 2022, 16:19 »

I have a win market remember trigger variable named t180_market_id.
I am trying to place a place market bet on the matching sel_id which was the favourite when the win market remember trigger fired.

i.e. Place market trigger says as part of its condidtions:

trigger expression sel_id = winplace_t180_market_id_1_sel_id.

Whilst I have the selections set to all matching selections  in the place market trigger, I didn't expect the trigger to place a bet of all selections!  I thought sel_id was unique to each selection and hence there should only be one matching sel_id in the place market which matches winplace_t180_market_id_1_sel_id.

Examining the state of the variables in the User Variables window suggests all is as it should be in that the sel_ids for the favourite match (in win and place markets) so the question is why are bets being placed on all sel_ids in the place market?  Surely there should only be one match and hence one bet?

I will change the selections to first matching selection because I have a suspicion that is going to be the answer!!

Trigger log snippet attached,



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Re: Help please - win/place sel_ids funny
« Reply #1 on: 24 May 2022, 17:30 »

So changing the selections to first matching selection fixed the issue.

I still struggle with why, when there can only be one matching condition, all matching selections results in more than one bet!

Anyway, problem solved,




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