Author Topic: Help with error message  (Read 2987 times)

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Help with error message
« on: 17 Sep 2015, 21:01 »
After 4 matched lay bets and 0 matched back bets my trigger is trying to place a spread-loss back bet. Here's the log:

21:21:32   Checking market "Horse Racing / GB / ChelmC 17th Sep / 21:20 ChelmC 17th Sep 6f Hcap".
21:21:32   Checking condition and Market's Number of Matched Back Bets is equal to 0.
21:21:32   Condition is: TRUE. valid for 1 selections: French Press.
21:21:32   Checking condition and Market's Minutes Since the Off is equal or greater than (market_length-480)/600*.6.
21:21:32   Condition is: TRUE. valid for 1 selections: French Press.
21:21:32   Checking condition and Trigger Selection traded out, stop further betting Number of runs is equal to 0.
21:21:32   Condition is: TRUE. valid for 1 selections: French Press.
21:21:32   Selection French Press is not ready for a trade out. Possibly a greening up or stop-loss bet has already been placed.
21:21:32   None of the selections qualifies for a spread loss.

There were only lay bets matched. No green up, no stop-loss. Why is this happening?

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Re: Help with error message
« Reply #1 on: 18 Sep 2015, 12:27 »

I am not sure but it looks like a problem I had some time ago. The trigger conditions

21:21:32   Checking condition and Market's Number of Matched Back Bets is equal to 0.


21:21:32   Checking condition and Trigger Selection traded out, stop further betting Number of runs is equal to 0.

may be crossing wires somewhere, perhaps double-checking against itself. I would experiment a little and try to get the trigger down to one condition depending on how many selections you are going to lay/back. for example if you are laying/backing only one selection per race then the condition "selections lay matched is greater than 0" might suffice. But it is difficult to be sure without seeing the full trigger which of course you should not post up.

Perhaps do up a sample trigger with the main conditions and post it, someone will have a solution for you


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Re: Help with error message
« Reply #2 on: 18 Sep 2015, 12:42 »
Thanks for your answer.  
I saw where my problem is. My trigger contains the following actions:

cancel back
attempt to green up

It seems that it needs a couple seconds to cancel the back bet and then it attempts to green up. Any suggestions how to fix that? Thanks!

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Re: Help with error message
« Reply #3 on: 18 Sep 2015, 18:43 »
Several things you could try:

Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Help with error message
« Reply #4 on: 19 Sep 2015, 10:15 »
It didnt work but I have another idea that's going to work for sure. I am going to change "attempt to green up" action with "back" action and put a higher price. Good thing MF does all the crazy calculations :)


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