I have set a trigger up, and its based on using a liability % stake, so, if I use say a 5% liability of a £250 bank, this is £12.50 risk or liability, and the stake is £12.50 / (lay_price - 1) - or
(bank_size * perc_bet) / (lay_price - 1)
Now, there is no way to have a virtual bank size, so I have had to use a variable in my constants, which today I set at £250. By the end of the day, I had made £16.79, so my new size is £266.79
I would like some help on having MFP calculate the stake based on the current HIGHEST bank, and if there is a loss, I want it still to stake calculated on the highest bank. I also want MFP to remember across sessions, the highest bank achieved, and somehow update that value somewhere?
I don't really want to ask for a trigger as I won't learn by doing that, I would rather get some help/advice
Can anybody help?