Author Topic: Horse Racing - Form  (Read 39617 times)

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Horse Racing - Form
« on: 19 Sep 2023, 13:32 »
Hello, I can´t figure how to make this. So, I need some guidance here.

I want to make a bet (Back or Lay) but I want to know the form of the horses.

I know that the silk_form give this information but I want that the horses have at least 3 values (sometimes the horse have 1,2 valeus and sometimes they don´t have any number). 
Sometimes appears some letters (P or F) or the symbols (/ -). That means that the horse dindn´t fininsh the race or something else.

And how can I calculate the average on the last 3 values?

1- See if the horses have at least 3 values in their form
2- Calculate the average of the last 3 values
3- If some letters or / appears, substitute for the number 10.


651126 - average equal - (6+2+1)/3 = 3
66/2222 - average equal  - (2+2+2)/3 = 2
P1F411 -  average equal - (1+1+4)/3 = 2
8693-6 - average equal - (6+10+3)/3 = 6.33

Is this possible?

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Re: Horse Racing - Form
« Reply #1 on: 20 Sep 2023, 06:17 »
It is doable.
If selection's trigger expression silk_form_length is less than 3 you are not interested
You'll need a variable ( average_1, say )
If selection's trigger expression silk_form_1 is between 1 and 9 add that number to average_1
If selection's trigger expression silk_form_1 is not between 1 and 9 add 10 to average_1
Repeat for silk_form_2 and silk_form 3.

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Re: Horse Racing - Form
« Reply #2 on: 20 Sep 2023, 10:52 »
Hello jacfin. Thank you for your help. I try to do it and I understand the logic but I can´t figure where to put the "IF" conditions.

I try to manage myself (see the attached file) but I´m stuck. Can you give me an hand?

Again, thank you for your help.

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Re: Horse Racing - Form
« Reply #3 on: 21 Sep 2023, 12:42 »
I try by myself to make some changes but I don't know if that's possible.

I declare a variable, like jacfin told. But I don't know if this is in the correct field. Can anyone give a look to see if this is right or not?

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Horse Racing - Form
« Reply #4 on: 24 Sep 2023, 18:28 »
Try this trigger in test mode.
In testing I found that sometimes it lays more than 1 selection if these selections have the same maximum average.
Also, if silk_form_1 or silk_form_2 or silk_form_3 have a value of zero it will substitute 10. Not sure if this is what you want but you can play around with it. 
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Re: Horse Racing - Form
« Reply #5 on: 25 Sep 2023, 02:03 »
Thanks MarkV. My trigger was almost wright. It only miss the others user variables.

The point you find that with the same maximum average, will trigger in more than one selection, I have thought too.

Is there a way to compare those selections, with the same average, and bet who have the highest odd (based in min_odds and max_odds)?

Example 1:

Selection 4 - Average 5.67 - odd @15
Selection 6 - Average 5.67 - odd @22

min_odds - 10
max_odds - 20

If these happens it will bet in selection 4.

Example 2:

Selection 4 - Average 5.67 - odd @15
Selection 6 - Average 5.67 - odd @18

min_odds - 10
max_odds - 20

If these happens it will bet in selection 6.

Is it possible to put these conditions in the trigger?

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Re: Horse Racing - Form
« Reply #6 on: 25 Sep 2023, 10:23 »
Add a condition block like this as the last conditions in the laying trigger. (I have not tested this)

      selections trigger expression matching_number is equal to 1
      selections trigger expression matching_number is greater than 1
      and selections lay price is the maximum
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