Author Topic: How does this happen?  (Read 3976 times)

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How does this happen?
« on: 12 Sep 2013, 12:09 »
15:52:13   Going to BACK on 1 selections:

      1. Big Reds Back, $ 109.41 at 1.63;Unmatched bets will be cancelled at In-Play.

The off time was 15:50
The market parameters are Back Book < 102%
Price : r_ticks(back_price,-1)

The BSP was $6.40 !!!
Improvise Adapt Overcome

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Re: How does this happen?
« Reply #1 on: 12 Sep 2013, 13:35 »
Very difficult to say without further info like the trigger logs.

From what I can piece together:
Scheduled off time was 15:55 (searched for selection name in results)
Bet was placed at 15:52
Please can you confirm the actual off time as 15:50?
If not, I am assuming the back bet was placed quite a few minutes before the actual off. If the best back price at the time of the bet was 1.64 (r_ticks(back_price,-1)
what was the best lay price? i.e. was there a big spread?
What I am suggesting is that the back bet may have been placed far too early.

Also, why not add a condition to check current back_price is not too far away from projected SP price at the time of backing:
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Re: How does this happen?
« Reply #2 on: 12 Sep 2013, 21:48 »
Please can you confirm the actual off time as 15:50?
Correction the actual off time WAS 15:55

This is a very unusual issue. On any given day I get home from work and have a quick scan of the action and noticed this price as I was aware of the horse's chances and thought it was odd.

I suppose I am looking for another fail safe condition as you suggest.

I could use back_price 'is greater than' r_ticks(lay_price,2) or perhaps use near_sp

Would this  be ok.....
AND Trigger expression back_price 'is greater than' r_ticks(near_sp,-2)   
Improvise Adapt Overcome

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Re: How does this happen?
« Reply #3 on: 12 Sep 2013, 22:55 »
I was thinking of between a min and max to be safe. It depends how tight you want the conditions.
and selection’s back price is greater than r_ticks(near_sp,-5)
and selection’s back price is less than r_ticks(near_sp,5)
and selections trigger expression g_ticks(back_price,lay_price) is less than 10
and market’s minutes before the off is less than 2

You can adjust the numbers as you want, but this should stop that happening again.

Obviously the above conditions apply to before the off, so you would have another condition block for in-play:
market's status is in-play
(here your price formula kicks in)   
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