Author Topic: Identifying what are known problems with v7 and what are still unidentified bugs  (Read 2718 times)

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  • Posts: 38

I have had lots of smallish problems since upgrading one of my machines to v7 (now up to .36), having hit teething problems before with earlier releases I have kept my main machines running at the stable v6 until these are ironed out.

As there is always a rush of problems at the start I have held off reporting them, but wonder now which  ones are known, and being worked on and which ones are not yet recognised - is there anyway to find out?

Note I have installed it a few times not to different directories just in case it was a problem with one install, but these continue

Some of the problems I am experiencing are:
  • Stability - crashes most days
  • Non runners cause triggers to select incorrect selection from spreadsheet (this was a problem a long time ago, which was corrected) but now it is back. I can avoid rogue bets by also importing names for auto-trading so not a killer problem
  • when loading selections program does not display the import data after you select yes that you would like to see it.
  • trigger conditions box is unusable, when I click on it to enter conditions I get a window that is one wafer thin and I cannot expand it in any way to enter detail
  • new commands available do not include all of the previous commands from older versions

Any advice or updates appreciated

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  • Posts: 906
The only problem I have noticed is your comment on the trigger conditions window.  I have not experienced this in the latest version, but did occur in previous versions.  You need to be careful that the previous open conditions window has fully closed, before opening another one or same one again.   So perhaps delay clicking by a few seconds.


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