Author Topic: Importing a cell value from Excel  (Read 2623 times)

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Importing a cell value from Excel
« on: 08 Sep 2015, 08:06 »
Hi again,

Apologies, but my brain has frozen today!

The value of my next bet is calculated in Excel which is connected to MFP. It needs to be calculated in Excel because it depend on several factors non related to MFP (eg self assessment of race quality etc).

How can I import that amount to bet into the trigger? If so, what is the import convention?

The value is calculated in an Excel worksheet named CalculationSheet.



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Re: Importing a cell value from Excel
« Reply #1 on: 08 Sep 2015, 09:55 »
In the amount field try: cell_CalculationSheet_A1
where A1 is the Excel cell reference

or to use in a condition for example:
and selections back price is greater than cell_CalculationSheet_A1

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Re: Importing a cell value from Excel
« Reply #2 on: 08 Sep 2015, 10:45 »
Thanks Mark.

I was using CalculationSheet!A1 - exclamation mark.

I'll try your suggestion tonight.


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Re: Importing a cell value from Excel
« Reply #3 on: 08 Sep 2015, 13:23 »
Perfect, thank you.



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