I am working on trying to get/set values within an excel sheet - I have started to ask the question elsewhere, so I won't go into detail here, BUT, I was looking to add in values, on a row by row basis, using a trigger expression sheet!A(cell_sheet_J1), where cell J1 holds a value indicating the current row that is empty in column A... Cell J1 contains a formula which will allow me to get the next empty cell available, and my intention is to write values in these empty cells, as they are created.
This didn't work, because, from a guess, I am assuming that MFP will not look at the incremented value, given by cell J1, and I assumed this because when my trigger wrote to a cell successfully, it was writing to the same cell/row, every time.
This made me think that I need to look at using a number within the trigger, to allow the writing of excel values into a cell, by using sheet!A(excel_row), where excel_row is a variable defined in the trigger...
This created a stumbler, because I do not know how to set a variable, and increment it on demand, by a trigger that adds a value to an excel cell..
So, I want to do a write to excel action, using sheet!A(excel_row) as the cell address, and immediately after this, I want to increment excel_row, in preparation for the next required entry...
I tried to set a user variable as excel_row, which I could query, and have this variable initially defined in Constants, with a value of 1, and further processing, have excel_row have a value as excel_row + 1...
In C#, this would be the same as writing : excel_row = excel_row + 1; or even just, excel_row++;
I can't explicitly set a value to a variable in this way through MFP, so I would like to know how I set an initial value, excel_row, and then increment it on command, after a new entry is added to the excel sheet...
These things are so trivial in coding that even a complete newbie would be expected to know how to do this, but in MFP, not so obvious...
Thanks for reading, any help appreciated