Author Topic: Is Time Machine project dead?  (Read 1736 times)

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Is Time Machine project dead?
« on: 21 Aug 2018, 17:54 »
Hi all,

Sorry for posting it here, but it looks like the TM section of the forum has zero responses in the majority of threads. 

I am curious about the state of the time machine project. It looks like nobody is working on it anymore. There are no updates and all analyses require so much manual work to test triggers. It is more of a hassle than testing your triggers on live matches everyday since in normal MF Pro you can import all the markets automatically and let it run for days. 

At the end of May I posted a message in the TM section of the forum asking about some technical details and difficulties I am facing but received no response at all. Maybe I'll be more lucky re-posting it here. I am really curious about your opinions.

Original post:

I am having a big project in mind and I would like to test hundreds of football matches on a regular basis. I think the idea of time machine is absolutely amazing, however, I have an impression that it has been abandoned for quite a long time.

Let me ask this question - how many matches one needs to analyse to say with high confidence that the trigger brings profit? 1000? 10000? less? more? I assume it is a high number and now come all the problems

1) From my observation I can see that matches are probably loaded from a giant file (tm.db) to the memory - note that about 35 football matches take over 1GB of disk space. In comparison, the history files that one can download from the official betfair website take about 5-6GB for the whole month worth of data. Now, if we want to run let's say 500 matches consecutively (not at once, but respecting the actual time difference as matches are played on different days), it is physically impossible to allocate so much data in the memory. It is frustrating that one has to allocate memory for matches that are not triggered but just queued. Therefore, one has to keep loading small amounts of markets manually to test the trigger.

2) There is no market locator like functionality in time machine, so one has to go through all the purchased markets and click each market individually to load it to the program. Meanwhile, the memory is getting full so that the program is getting super slow or not responding, making the whole process an absolute hell. Assuming one can import markets from a text file, is it even possible to download a full list of the purchased markets and parse the markets I am interested in and save as a text file? Or do I have to type in manually every single match in a notepad?

Assuming the problem number 2 can be somehow solved, is it possible to write a trigger that would import matches from a file automatically and delete the ones that are completed?

I hope someone could explain to me how this thing work. I see a great potential here and I hope that my worries are all exaggerated and there is a simple way to make it a powerful and efficient tool.

Thanks in advance"

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Re: Is Time Machine project dead?
« Reply #1 on: 21 Aug 2018, 20:47 »

No, definitely not dead, and we are constantly improving it! Right now we are working on a better market sorting feature, and the ability to add the selected markets types (such as only Win or only Place or various football market types).

We are maintaining a database of historical markets too. If the Time Machine section of the forum looks unattended, I will personally make sure to post there more often! Sorry to give you the wrong impression!

I will reply to your post in a few minutes in the original topic.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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