  • #1 by markoone11 on 27 May 2018
  • Hi,

    Is it possible to get a lay amount from a file, and use that as an amount field in a trigger?

    Just to explain, I am using a number of strategies, and it is possible that there could, at this time, be 3 lays on the same selection.

    So, I use a text file to record this, from each trigger, and it writes the values
    "V1 Lay",["sel_name"]
    And as each strategy has separate conditionals, I use a separate text file.

    The problem comes when I want to use a Back Out trigger, it has to do many condtionals, before getting the lay amount, so, I was thinking that if I write the actual bm_laya to that specific file, along with its bm_layid, I can use that value in the amount field.

    But, I don't know how to do that.

    Is it possible?


  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 28 May 2018
  • You can put as many values next to a selection's name as you want, them import the file into MF Pro and refer to them as imported_1, imported_2, imported_3 etc. You can put these variables in trigger fields, conditions etc.