Author Topic: lay amount per tick and moving average help  (Read 4887 times)

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lay amount per tick and moving average help
« on: 14 Jul 2013, 18:34 »
Hi could you help me with the correct formula for a lay amount which would return a one pound profit per tick before greening and also how I can formulate lt_ma so it returns whether the moving average is increasing or decreasing over a set amount of time rather than a single figure at one point in time .
Kind regards and thanks in advance.

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Re: lay amount per tick and moving average help
« Reply #1 on: 14 Jul 2013, 21:51 »
The above will give you number of ticks between two prices.
Then divide the result by lay_price-1 to give you your fixed liability.

There are a number of options to use for the lt_ma. Read this in the manual

The absolute back price difference over the time specified by [minutes]. For
example, pdif_5 will return the value that back price changed by within the
last 5 minutes. This number can be negative or positive, depending on the
direction the price changed in. For example, if the price changed from 4.0 to
3.8, the difference will be -0.2.

The absolute lay price difference over the time specified by [minutes]. For
example, lpdif_2.5 will return the value that lay price changed by within the
last 2.5 minutes. This number can be negative or positive, depending on the
direction the price changed in.

tdif_[minutes] he change of the back price over the time specified, in price ticks. For example, if the price has changed from 3.0 to 3.65 within 4 minutes, then
tdif_4 will return 13.

 The change of the lay price over the time specified, in price ticks. For example, if the price has changed from 6.0 to 5.1 within 11.5 minutes, then
tdif_11.5 will return -9.

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Re: lay amount per tick and moving average help
« Reply #2 on: 08 Aug 2013, 13:34 »
Hi Guys, I was interested in the answer to this post but I am not sure it has answered it unless I am missing something. My understanding is that lt_ma takes the average traded price over a given period of time dictated by the market depth settings.

I think the question here: is there a way of determining whether or not lt_ma is rising or falling on a rolling basis.


if lt_ma (5 seconds ago) is 10 and lt_ma (now) is 12, lt_ma is rising

Apologies if the response above answered the question but I can't decipher how.


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Re: lay amount per tick and moving average help
« Reply #3 on: 10 Aug 2013, 20:40 »
I think you need the last traded price trend variable lt_trend. It will take values from -1 to 1 depending on which direction and how steep the price movement is.

See the manual's chapter The User Interface - Trader's Area - Chart Editor.
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Re: lay amount per tick and moving average help
« Reply #4 on: 11 Aug 2013, 09:21 »
Thanks Oxa, was looking in the triggered betting and didn't see it in there and I didn't think to look elsewhere if I am honest.


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