Author Topic: Loss recovery implementation issue  (Read 5599 times)

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Loss recovery implementation issue
« on: 28 Jun 2012, 13:26 »
Hi all,

i have a strat that i would like to use a loss recovery with. At the moment im just testing (well trying to  :-\) different loss recovery triggers.

my problem is that i cant seem to get the trigger to fire with the desired effect. i know its something very simple as its a basic loss recovery trigger.

As it stands without any trigger conditions it will fire into the next available market whether or not the previous market it fired into has been settled, obviously this is no good as if i loss in 2 separate markets it will only recover the loss in one of them.

I have looked in the manual and taken the settings from there to try and get it to only fire once the previous market has been settled but to no avail.

This leaves me with 2 questions.

1) Is it possible to allow the trigger to fire into next available market without the previous being settled then go on to recover the total loss from more than one market over the course of X amount of bets?

2) How do i get the trigger to fire only when the previous market has been settled.

my current settings are

amount -
conditions are -
Trigger *my trigger name :P * Number of runs is equal to 0 overall
OR Previous Triggered Events Status is Settled

this trigger should work in a Idle or suspended market.

If anyone can help im sure my eyelids will be very grateful.

cheers in advance


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Re: Loss recovery implementation issue
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jun 2012, 14:33 »
Have you tried the sample trigger files that come with the software? Almost all of them (the ones with staking plans) are made so that the next bet is not placed before the previous market is settled. Just work it out from the sample file by adjusting / adding / removing fields and conditions.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Loss recovery implementation issue
« Reply #2 on: 30 Aug 2012, 12:28 »
Apologies in advance, bit of a newbie/luddite here...

I am also really struggling with trying to get my trigger to not fire if the previous triggered event is not settled. I have been playing with the conditions as suggested in the manual...

Previous Triggered Event's Outcome is settled
or Trigger or Trigger Block [choose the current trigger's name] has not been executed (overall)

and I'm not having any luck, can't get the trigger to fire at all...

a) it wont let me use the "or" command and is telling me to use "And". Tried that and also tried adding the two conditions in a new block and using "or" in the new block. No luck.

b) the description states that "This literally means: if there was at least one event where the trigger has been already executed, then check if it was settled. If not, then execute the trigger anyway". I actually want it to NOT "execute the trigger anyway".

Oxa (or anyone), can you please tell me which of the sample staking plan triggers have this feature in built as i can't seem to find it there in several I've checked.

I think I'm missing something here, this shouldn't be this hard should it?

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Re: Loss recovery implementation issue
« Reply #3 on: 30 Aug 2012, 12:46 »
When altering the stake after a win or loss use:

Markets status: settled

Markets Settled P/L is less than 0 (when the trigger deals with a loss)

Markets Settled P/L is greater than 0 (when the trigger deals with a win)

If you are altering a user variable to represent the next stake
eg.  Set User Variable stake = stake-last_pl

Then you only need one trigger with this condition:
Markets Settled P/L is not equal to zero

since the negative sign will add the loss to the stake and subtract a profit.
Only using status settled means that your stake will change only when the previous result is known.  

In Settings/General Options/Market Settings make sure you have ticked Delete Settled events automatically and not Finished events.  Although you don't need to delete any events if you wish.


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