Author Topic: Market locator error back  (Read 2339 times)

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Market locator error back
« on: 08 Jun 2015, 11:08 »
Hi the market locator is giving the same problem i had a a while ago whereby it is not showing anything in the 'sports' brings up an error. This problem before went away by itself after a couple of days and was running it is doing it again.

And yes i had done all of the necessary remedies that were suggested before which by the way did not fix the issue.

I assumed it went away because Betfair were doing something with their API. I did read somewhere they were again doing something with it over the weekend....kinda weird this issue has returned again. ???

Anyone else have this problem?

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Re: Market locator error back
« Reply #1 on: 08 Jun 2015, 11:54 »
I run my computer continiusly and for me a restart use to resolve this kind of problems!

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Re: Market locator error back
« Reply #2 on: 08 Jun 2015, 14:08 »
Hi Tupp,

Thank you a simple reeboot fixed the problem ;D.

Cheers M8


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE