Author Topic: Changing Start Time  (Read 1500 times)

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Changing Start Time
« on: 18 Aug 2020, 23:22 »
Hi All,

Today I was running my pre-game trading program on a football match.

The game started at 8pm and it is set to only trade before the game starts.

Everything was going fine and when monitoring on my phone just before the start I noticed it had 'cashed out' as expected.

Shortly after, I had a look at my phone again and noticed a lot more bets were flying in and I was now set to lose £180.

I connected to my computer which was running the software and noticed that the start time was now showing tomorrow at 10pm! Even though the game was in play! So this explains why my program was now firing in bets again as it is configured to only place bets before the start time.

Before the actual start of the game, the software was definitely showing the correct start time of today at 8pm, and when I looked again shortly after noticing this issue it was back at the correct start time, so it appears this error was only present for a short period of time.

Does anybody know why this would happen? I imagine the error was on the Betfair side and Marketfeeder was simply reading this value?

Obviously now I will modify my program to ensure that it doesn't run in play, and also remove the market altogether when it turns in play to ensure this doesn't happen again. But then again, if the start time can be wrong, it makes me think the status can also be wrong sometimes?

I totally understand that using automated betting software is at the users risk, but I've now lost £180 because of this so it would be good to know how this would happen and if there's anything else I can do to avoid it? Does this sort of thing happen often?

Screenshot attached.


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Re: Changing Start Time
« Reply #1 on: 19 Aug 2020, 12:17 »
I alway use the option:  Synchronise local date and time with Betfair's.  Although I doubt that should help with this situation much.  For some reason on my Windows 10 PC, the local time is usually an hour slow as it fails to recognise summer time saving no matter what settings I use.  I have no problems with my VPS running MFPro from a Hungarian data centre.  This has been incident free for at least 2 years.

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Re: Changing Start Time
« Reply #2 on: 19 Aug 2020, 12:41 »

Thanks for the reply.

That's certainly one to bear in mind, but in this case the actual start time was reporting as the 19th August at 22:00, which my local time settings were calculating was 1 day, 1 hour, 43 minutes and 18 seconds away.

So based on the screenshot being taken 15 mins into the game, so around 20:15 that seems to work out spot on. 

Many thanks for your input though.


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