Author Topic: Market locator problem?  (Read 3659 times)

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Market locator problem?
« on: 25 Oct 2017, 04:26 »
Ho Oxa,

Through market locator, when I clicked on Win markets and AvB markets Together, I got win and place markets!
When I clicked on win markets only, I got win markets, and when I clicked on AvB markets only, I got the AvB markets.

Is there a problem in nominating both markets together?



  • Moderator
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Re: Market locator problem?
« Reply #1 on: 25 Oct 2017, 10:36 »
add a condition to the locator search:
markets name does not contain TBP

that should improve things, add similar conditions for any other markets you may wish to exclude.
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Re: Market locator problem?
« Reply #2 on: 25 Oct 2017, 19:59 »

I will look into this as soon as I have a chance.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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