Author Topic: Marketfeeder crashing frequently  (Read 3646 times)

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Marketfeeder crashing frequently
« on: 25 Feb 2019, 17:50 »

Since two days ago, I've noticed that my Marketfeeder would crash. From being an on-off user since 2010, I've not seen it crash this frequently.
See my steps I use daily below.

User flow
1. Login to Marketfeeder version
2. Load markets as normal (For this scenario, it's horse racing)
3. Open excel (This contains pre-selection values that are used by my triggers)
4. Click on 'Launch excel'
5. 'There is an open instance of excel. Do you want to connect to that instance?' - I click on yes
6. Markets start with 5 minutes till the off and there is only a max number of markets at around 20-30 per day, with probably a max of 3 monitored at any one time with 10 second refresh time for 'Refresh rates' and 'In-play'
It's a bit hit or miss as to when it crashes, it can be within 2 minutes or 15. I'm coming from work and getting a bit disappointed that my program has crashed during this time, when I expect to see some activity.
To note: I'm using an excel for my pre-selections and using the following 'contain' rule in my trigger
"cell_selection_A1,cell_selection_A2,cell_selection_A3,cell_selection_A4" Could this be an problem, as the list goes up to 30?
I've tried to go through the manual but I do not believe there is a more efficient way of doing this?
- Write to excel has been disabled, to reduce overall load
- I do not believe that this is linked to the 'Unable to login' topic, but it did start to happen around the same time as this has been raised.
Any help is appreciated. 

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Re: Marketfeeder crashing frequently
« Reply #1 on: 25 Feb 2019, 21:02 »

Generally, the OLE interface through which the program communicated with Excel can be unstable, because Excel can reject the connection at any time.

I can try and help you work around the need to connect to Excel. What exactly do you need it for?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Marketfeeder crashing frequently
« Reply #2 on: 25 Feb 2019, 21:32 »

Generally, the OLE interface through which the program communicated with Excel can be unstable, because Excel can reject the connection at any time.

I can try and help you work around the need to connect to Excel. What exactly do you need it for?
Hi Oxa,
I have a list of selections that I obtain daily from an tipping service. I understand that I can make use of the 'Import selections for auto-trading', which is great for the selection names from a standard notepad .txt file, but I also make use of an staking plan that increments up-to 2 decimal places after every loss.

(Staking plan goes down the list after each unsuccessful bet)

I'm not 100% sure how I can get MF to read these values if I import them via a text file.

Any ideas? 
Ideally want to avoid using triggers, as I want to again limit the load and allow the trigger to focus on other areas.

Thanks in advance :)

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Re: Marketfeeder crashing frequently
« Reply #3 on: 26 Feb 2019, 09:41 »
As far as I understand, your staking plan cannot be formalised and is a list of bet multipliers, is that correct? How long is the list, i.e. how many steps are there before you reset it to the initial stake?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Marketfeeder crashing frequently
« Reply #4 on: 26 Feb 2019, 12:41 »
As far as I understand, your staking plan cannot be formalised and is a list of bet multipliers, is that correct? How long is the list, i.e. how many steps are there before you reset it to the initial stake?
Yea that's correct. The length is around 15 (Not formalised, goes up and down) but I know all of the numbers in advance.
To length itself might increase (15 to 20) in the future, so I want to be able to adjust this number.
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Marketfeeder crashing frequently
« Reply #5 on: 26 Feb 2019, 12:51 »
It's perfectly possible to add 20 constants and use them instead of reading those values from Excel. You would then be able to adjust the values of those constants and/or delete/add more of them if needed.

This would entail somewhat long-ish trigger formulas, but the speed and the lack of crashing will compensate that for sure.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Marketfeeder crashing frequently
« Reply #6 on: 03 Mar 2019, 16:34 »
It's perfectly possible to add 20 constants and use them instead of reading those values from Excel. You would then be able to adjust the values of those constants and/or delete/add more of them if needed.

This would entail somewhat long-ish trigger formulas, but the speed and the lack of crashing will compensate that for sure.
Thanks for the suggestion Oxa. 
I've quickly wrapped up on how to auto-import but I'm having difficulty in using my set-defined recovery constants.
Below is a rough outline in what I'm doing...

loss2 (variable) = 0 (declared on trigger refresh)
(IF(loss2=0,1,IF(loss2=1,3,IF(loss2=2..... etc I would then close all of these off at the end of this formula.
Effectively I want to use 'IF AND' connotation within MF, but the error I'm getting is that it's an endless loop.
Ensured the correct number of close brackets existed and that there were no extra/missing comma's or values (AKA User error).
Is this possible within MF to be done within one trigger (Set user vairable as an example)? Or will I have to create multiple triggers? I don't ideally want to go down that route.

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Re: Marketfeeder crashing frequently
« Reply #7 on: 15 Mar 2019, 21:08 »
Make sure that the variable loss2 does exist and has a value before you execute this IF statement.

Also make sure that you do not have any other constants/variables that are named as a combination of letters which is a part of loss2, e.g. "loss", "oss2", "los", etc.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Marketfeeder crashing frequently
« Reply #8 on: 18 Mar 2019, 21:23 »
Make sure that the variable loss2 does exist and has a value before you execute this IF statement.

Also make sure that you do not have any other constants/variables that are named as a combination of letters which is a part of loss2, e.g. "loss", "oss2", "los", etc.
Hey Oxa,
Thanks again for the suggestion. I dug in one weekend and managed to resolve all my queries.
  • It was user error on my part with my IF Statement, I didn't use correct spacing and forgot to add a closing variable at the end of my 20+ connected IF Statement (Woops)
  • The crashing was due to my windows update database trying to install the infamous 1803 update from last year instead of the new windows 1803 update... I have no idea how this happened
  • (Linked to the above point) as many users reported issues logging in during February 2019, I was also caught up in this. As my updates were corrupt, I was not able to use MF as intended + the error of the security certificate with Betfair on-top of this.

Both issues were resolved by a clean install of Windows and installing

Moving in the right direction 8)

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Re: Marketfeeder crashing frequently
« Reply #9 on: 20 Mar 2019, 13:54 »
Thank you for the update! Hope your information will be useful to others as well!
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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