Author Topic: Markets showing as blank when launching to excel [TCKT15052013XL]  (Read 22736 times)

  • Élite
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Re: Markets showing as blank when launching to excel
« Reply #15 on: 16 May 2013, 12:45 »
you can set the cells in excel to see whatever you want.
i only have a laptop, so i do not use excel because it slows down my computer to much.
you need speed when betting, so anything that slows the process of placing the bet means the odds have changed by the time the bet gets to betfair.
there are users that are more experienced and use excel every day, so any questions that you have can and will be answered.

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  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
Re: Markets showing as blank when launching to excel
« Reply #16 on: 16 May 2013, 13:39 »
i have just tried excel and set cells to show lay bet amount and lay liability, with no problems.
start mfp
load the markets that you want to bet in
set excel to create a market sheet at 1 minute before the off
add a custom cell
S14:1      bm_laya*(bm_layp-1)

this will show you your lay liability for the selection

S13:1      bm_laya

this will show you how much your bet was
start monitoring the market

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  • Administrator
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Hi limerick1,

Please attach the screenshot of a typical market sheet after you have refreshed it for a couple of minutes.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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OK, ive attaqched what an excel sheet looks like - have also overlaid the MF appearance so you can check Im not doing anything stupid.  In this case, i have no triggers running but just pressed the Launch Excel button and ensured the blue Play button is pressed so that the market is updating on MF

Look forward to hearing your thoughts


  • Administrator
  • Posts: 8822
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Looks like you are doing everything right.

As I often do in cases like this one, I can suggest sending you a special build of MF Pro which can help reveal the reason why the data are not being passed to the Excel sheet. This build will write own important log information at every step of the communication between MF Pro and Excel. I will then ask you to kindly send me the log so I could work out the root of the problem.

If you're willing to cooperate in this manner, please let me know, I'll send you the build.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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OK.  Yes, send it through.  Note that I am using Test mode as still in Trial Period but i assume this doesn't matter?  The excel thing is important to me, so need to get it working if at all possible

  • All members
  • Posts: 35
Hi Oxa

I was waiting for you to send thru what is required to test the excel launch.  Any ideas when you may be able to send this?

Many thanks


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