Author Topic: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing  (Read 13136 times)

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MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« on: 11 Jun 2012, 20:21 »
hi all

as per screenie,  i've set the in play refresh to 0.52 (same outcome on 1.00 1.50 etc)
and the best refresh i get is around the 4.00 second mark. The program is completely unresponsive aswell during this time with no triggers firing.

ive also set the update bets list to simultaneously refresh with the market.

anyone have any ideas what i need to change ?

this is the same trigger im using as mfpro 6 with the same refresh rate, but the older version runs a lot smoother.

edit: - my pc did just freeze and a reboot was needed. same problem after reboot.
been running mf pro 6 since 2pm with no probs. (not at the same time i hasten to add !!)

windows 7 64 bit with 16gb of ram

grateful for any advice


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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #1 on: 11 Jun 2012, 21:52 »
You can start off by unticking "log trigger information" under settings that trippled my bots reaction time.
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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #2 on: 12 Jun 2012, 09:33 »
redarme - do you need all that silks info constantly displayed?

Other suggestions:  go through every item in Settings and ask yourself do I need this refreshed so often, or do I actually need this data at all.

Under: Selection Settings - make sure that Retrieve All Price Offers is unticked.

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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #3 on: 12 Jun 2012, 10:53 »
Check the statistics in the Connection Monitor: what is the average BetFair response time?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #4 on: 13 Jun 2012, 09:05 »
Cheers for the suggestions.

i'll take a closer look at my settings tonight and post them up- i went through my settings in ver 6 and used the same ones in ver 7. ive put the update aussie wallet to 1140 secs (whatever the max is - i dont use aussie markets) but i think you're right about the silks, i have no need for them other than aesthetics, just thought what works in v6 wouldnt need to be disabled in v7

oxa-i'll post up the connection details and my settings tonight.


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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #5 on: 13 Jun 2012, 21:14 »

down to a two second refresh tonight - ive turned off a few bits and pieces.

any idea what else needs changing ? - ive attached a few screenies.

as always mfpro 6, smooth as silk all day..

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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #6 on: 13 Jun 2012, 21:34 »
is it installed to the x86 program files folder??
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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #7 on: 13 Jun 2012, 21:38 »
Just a thought – in your first screenshot in this topic you showed > 5 markets being monitored. Your settings show:
“Update bets individually for each market” as ticked.
The manual suggests:
 “Update bets individually for each market
Tick this option if you have no more than 5 markets refreshed simultaneously. In that case you will save on extra requests to BetFair if you activate this option.”
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #8 on: 13 Jun 2012, 22:35 »
Do you actually need action log pop-ups?

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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #9 on: 14 Jun 2012, 06:53 »

how many markets do you run with V7? How many selections are approximately in these markets? If you check CPU usage in task manager, what is the average CPU usage when V7 is not responding? CPU Usage is approximately the same on all CPUs?

When you run V6 with same stratagy and same markets, CPU usage is very high on first CPU and low on all others CPUs?

When I run my horse trigger against all GB in IRE horse markets, V7 becomes very slow  and sending bets to the markets is delayed, but CPU usage and temperature is very low.

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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #10 on: 14 Jun 2012, 07:05 »
is it installed to the x86 program files folder??

ive installed it to c:\marketfeeder - i'm sure ive read somewhere that the trigger log doesnt work if the program is installed in program files (or was that only for vista ?)

Just a thought – in your first screenshot in this topic you showed > 5 markets being monitored. Your settings show:
“Update bets individually for each market” as ticked.

ive used this setting because the intention is for less than 5 markets to be 'actively' monitored.
i.e only one, maybe two goes inplay at the sametime at a 0.5, 0.7 refresh rate. the 'not in play' markets are being monitored at 20 secs, 50 sec and only open 1 min or so before off time

Do you actually need action log pop-ups?
whilst im sitting in front of the screen its a quick reference to know what triggers are firing and whether cancellation triggers are being submitted without having to look at the logs.

CPU usage is very high on first CPU and low on all others CPUs?

i'll check the CPU usage tonight as the night before last the pc came to a grinding halt - last night however, performance was slightly better but i dont know what the CPU activity was

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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #11 on: 14 Jun 2012, 20:06 »
I think it maybe down to the size of the trigger.

just created a simple 3 part trigger and the refresh rate was near to what was specified - still over what was requested, but a hell of a lot closer..

am i right in thinking that a variable in v6, which essentially returns the same result should be used as constant in v7.

Would someone be prepared to take a look at my trigger and let me know where it could be trimmed down ?


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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #12 on: 14 Jun 2012, 20:49 »
I really think you should let support look at your trigger.  Oxa needs to investigate instances where V6 seems to outperform V7, as it should be the other way round!

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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #13 on: 15 Jun 2012, 06:28 »
no worries - i'll do just that

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Re: MF pro 7 refresh rate - program freezing
« Reply #14 on: 28 Jun 2012, 17:24 »

I have tried sending an email to beta testing mfpro7 (at the address oxa gave me) but no response after 2 weeks.

It has nothing to do with the trigger. There is still a big difference.

WITH NO TRIGGER loaded and settings made the same on both versions, at 0.2 refresh rate ,. measured separately, v6.5 shows 0,06 response time in connection monitor and v7 shows 0.36-0.5. For my trigger I really need it to be as close to 0.2 as possible.

I am running .... does it matter ?? both versions are tested on the same platform....whatever... amd fx8120 (8 cores) win 7 ultimate 64 bit.

The 6.5 ver is set to only one CPU if u look at affinity in task manager. I set it manualy to al 8.

The cpu barely loads at 10 % with this app so it can't be the CPU

Thank you in advance

Oxa .. test them with no triggers both at 0.2 and observe the difference !

Thank you


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