Author Topic: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok  (Read 14676 times)

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mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« on: 06 Apr 2013, 18:20 »

today mfp in real mode didnt placed some bets. the logs (there are no longer available, I cancelled them by accidental slip) were all 100% ok.
the trigger is easy as it could be: backing 4 min before the off the 2:2.

there were many other triggers working at the same time, it was 15:00 english time, so mfp was busy.
api-calls were set to 9. internet connection was 100% ok.

in the last days and after 15:00 I had no problems with the same conditions.

its strange that the logs said that the program will go to place the bet and then it didnt. and its very strange that at the same time most of the back-2:2-bets were placed and some were not.
I know, there are many reason why that could happen. I read some here. any idea why that could be for my case?

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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #1 on: 06 Apr 2013, 18:35 »
First of all, check the history of bets on the web site. The bets could have been voided by BetFair.
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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #2 on: 06 Apr 2013, 18:43 »
First of all, check the history of bets on the web site. The bets could have been voided by BetFair.

checked it and: no.

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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #3 on: 06 Apr 2013, 19:12 »
checked it and: no.
Did you also check for the lapsed/voided ones? You'd need to select the corresponding option from the drop-down list.
Backing at 4 mins could leave one of the bets unmatched, so a candidate for voiding after the market turned off.
That's just the most frequent reason why bets are not on the statement, so please could you confirm that for me.
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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #4 on: 06 Apr 2013, 19:32 »
yes, I checked it now very accurate, and: no.
at some markets I was live there at the screen for looking what mfp does. and I saw other bets placed, but no back-2:2 came in/was placed (but that only on some markets, on other markets the bets were placed).

it seemed that mfp was very busy, cpu-usage at 60-100%, and many beeps for placing bets. could that be a reason?

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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #5 on: 06 Apr 2013, 19:43 »
Which logs were OK - the ones for the program or the ones for the trigger responsible for the betting? Too bad you deleted them, there might have been some error messages, you sure you didn't notice any?
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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #6 on: 06 Apr 2013, 20:08 »
too bad, right. (had settings log file at "0 days" and closing/re-opening mfp deleted them..)

the logs for the trigger responsible for the betting was 100% ok in these cases where the back-2:2 was not placed, I checked them accuratly. the end was always in green letters "going to back on..." after all conditions were true.

the trigger for the program I did NOT checked..

now I remember that: when I noticed the missing bets, I placed the bets manually and at the first of them I had the mfp-sound of error every time when I pressed the price-button to place a bet, for 10-15 seconds. but then no more.

conclusion: I dont want to request all the attention here. it has no sense, I think, if I dont have the logs. I will notice this strange-thing the next 7 days and in case that it happens again, I will make screenshots of all logs.

till here thank you very much.

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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #7 on: 07 Apr 2013, 16:10 »

today same problem and I have all logs available.

at 17:00 there was much to do (but not so much) and 3 simple bets on 2 markets were not placed. trigger log and program log are 100% ok.

so should I attach here 5 screenshots (2x markets, 2x trigger log, 1x program log) ?
or should I send an email with them?

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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #8 on: 08 Apr 2013, 12:31 »
here are 4 screenshot, the 1:1 is placed, the 2:2 bet is not placed.

1) market
2) trigger log 1:1
3) trigger log 2:2
4) program log

I have more screenshots of a market where nor the 1:1 nor the 2:2 is placed (but all logs ok). hope we can solve the problem.

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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #9 on: 08 Apr 2013, 13:10 »
the reason might be that you use stakes below the minimum (2EUR).


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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #10 on: 08 Apr 2013, 13:16 »
that does not explain why 95% of the bets are placed and 5% not. and in general stakes below minimum are no problem.

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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #11 on: 08 Apr 2013, 14:01 »
That's so strange!

Do you have enough available funds for each back and play bet plus 4 EUR for each back (as that's how bets below minimum are placed)?

Oh, and yes, if you have more screenshots with the missing bets, please attach them (like you did with the previous market).

Out of curiosity, what were the error messages in that program log? I can see the "Error" red box on the screen, so that means there was at least one error recorded in that log. Can you scroll down and check for me?
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  • Élite
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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #12 on: 08 Apr 2013, 14:29 »
could this be that betfair thing about stopping more than 5 multiple bets been placed below the limit, or was that sorted out.

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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #13 on: 08 Apr 2013, 14:44 »
yes, very strange.

funds > 3000.
I attache more screenshots.
the error's in program log are only from the morning, see attached file.
is there a rule by betfair about 5 multiple bets placed below? but even if yes, there were even more than 5 multiple bets in a rough.. however, from today I bet with minumum 2.

could it be my other application (agt pro), running at the same moment for my manual trading (on other markets)?

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Re: mfp didnt placed bets, but logs ok
« Reply #14 on: 08 Apr 2013, 19:42 »
mcbee, the error which you mentioned was only an issue with bets that were placed in one go, i.e. by the same trigger in the same market. Unfortunately it is not the case here (I wish I could blame BetFair for everything!).
As for betting below the minimum ... mm.. not sure. If there had been an error message it would have been recorded by the log. But it explicitly says that everything was ok and the bet was unmatched.

ifyesthenno, I'm running out of ideas based on the information you could (kindly) provide. I'm afraid in order to crack it, I must to look closely at what BetFair returns to MF Pro when it submits those bets to the server. But that means you would need to run a special build of the program that records extra logs (you can happily kill them after the debugging though). It is certainly voluntary and off the forum as deals with confidential info.

If you are willing to follow this route, please send me a private message with your e-mail address.
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