Author Topic: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh  (Read 11684 times)

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So I made some triggers for football matches which have conditions "minutes from last suspension" but MFP sometimes don't see market suspension, even market refresh rate is 5 sec. Anyone have explanation for this?

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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #1 on: 23 Jan 2015, 19:23 »
Sometimes the suspension lasts only 1 or 2 seconds, maybe less so if the refresh rate is 5sec it will miss it. Try this instead:
and selections trigger expression (now_time-last_inplay)/mf_second is greater than 90

in the above example the condition waits 90 seconds since the market was last turned in-play.
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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #2 on: 23 Jan 2015, 19:28 »
I thought that the variable last_suspend was not affected by the refresh rate?

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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #3 on: 23 Jan 2015, 19:44 »
Hi MarkV
I also set that condition which you mentioned, but it seem that in fact there is no difference, because if suspension is not detected then last in-play also is not detected. I am shocked that suspension when goal is scored could lasts only 1-2 seconds, mostly on minor matches.

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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #4 on: 23 Jan 2015, 19:49 »
I think if the refresh rate is slower than the length of the suspension the software will not pick up the market is or was suspended. These might help you:

Just read you last post - to be sure you need to detect if a goal is scored AND check for last_inplay. Other suspensions can occur for cards, penalty, trigger happy suspend button operative etc. There is some info in the listed topics.
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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #5 on: 23 Jan 2015, 21:11 »
I second MarkV: indeed if a suspension is very short, a refresh rate of 5 sec will not pick it up.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #6 on: 23 Jan 2015, 22:59 »
I read all topics, and to be honest I don't see any solution.
I see condition :Selection’s Trigger Expression market_pscore1+market_pscore2 is not equal to market_score1+market_score2, but score can change and suspended still could not be detected(if it is so short), so this condition is again useless(bets could be placed immediately after unsuspension). I need something which will compare score before and after suspension, and then if score changed wait some period(i.e. 120 sec) and then if score is still same(and also other conditions are met) to place bets. I don't see how this can be done using existing options.

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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #7 on: 24 Jan 2015, 02:39 »
Basically you want to wait for the market to re-form after a goal. I would suggest:
confirming a goal is scored using market_score conditions
back book % or lay book % is within acceptable range
or selections trigger expression g_ticks(back_price,lay_price) is less than x ticks

If you just want to wait 120 secs after a goal you can set a timer when the score changes:

set user variable: timer
value: now_time
selections trigger expression market_pscore1+market_pscore2 is not equal to market_score1+market_score2

betting trigger condition:
selections trigger expression (now_time-timer)/mf_second is greater than 120
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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #8 on: 24 Jan 2015, 16:37 »
Yes, Mark I am looking for market consolidation after goal is scored. Back or Lay book percentage values are not of big help on score markets because lay book percentage is never displayed when there is not all values on lay side of book(only if there is some possibility that value can be calculated using only selections where price is offered as on betfair site? )

selections trigger expression g_ticks(back_price,lay_price) is less than x ticks
This means difference in ticks between back and lay side  for some selection ? This could be useful if I understand this trigger expression.

But setting user variable: timer looks also very useful. Now situation is much better with your suggestions.
Thanks Mark.

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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #9 on: 24 Jan 2015, 17:16 »
selections trigger expression g_ticks(back_price,lay_price) is less than x ticks
This means difference in ticks between back and lay side  for some selection ? This could be useful if I understand this trigger expression.
Yes, search manual for g_ticks for info
selections trigger expression g_ticks(back_price,lay_price) is less than 3
means there is a maximum spread of 2 ticks between best back and best lay prices
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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #10 on: 24 Jan 2015, 22:51 »
Hi Mark,
I tried trigger expression g_ticks(back_price,lay_price) but that condition is checked for all qualifying selections for placing bets, instead for selection I choose.
I used selections trigger expression  football18_s_4_g_ticks(back_price,lay_price) is less than 3 ticks, but condition is checked for selection where bets should be placed instead on selection 4. Can I use this for checking condition on only one selection which is different then selection where bet will be placed?
Also I always see negative values  for this condition if there is no price on lay side for selections where condition is checked.

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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #11 on: 25 Jan 2015, 10:22 »
Try: g_ticks(football18_s_4_back_price,football18_s_4_lay_price)

If there is no lay price offered and there is a back price the value will always be negative because (0 - x ticks difference) = -x

So the full condition should be something like this:
selections trigger expression g_ticks(football18_s_4_back_price,football18_s_4_lay_price) is between 1 and 5 
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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #12 on: 25 Jan 2015, 22:13 »
Hi Mark,
conditions with g_ticks works very well.

Only thing which I still have problem with is user variable: timer(when score change). I understand what you think, but not sure how to realize that.

Do I need to add action "set user variable" in any trigger where I want to use that?

I added action "set user variable" in trigger with value "now_time" and option "Globaly", but I don't know where to enter condition: "selections trigger expression market_pscore1+market_pscore2 is not equal to market_score1+market_score2" ?

Sorry for my not understanding, I am still novice here. Some example would be very helpful, or I can ask support to make me some example, because I have some free triggers available with subscription I paid.
Thank you.

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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #13 on: 26 Jan 2015, 08:40 »
Attached is an example how to set a timer.
The "betting trigger" will write a message to the Action Log 120 seconds after a goal is scored for as many goals in the game. If you only want to bet once in the game, there is no need to repeat the trigger block and you will just need:
Starting the timer trigger
Betting trigger

In the constants you can set the delay time in seconds after a goal is scored.
If you use market score for betting please be aware of the disclaimer on the Betfair website and in the MFP manual.

Please use test mode for testing the trigger.
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Re: MFP missed market suspension with 5 sec refresh
« Reply #14 on: 30 Jan 2015, 13:29 »
Thanks Mark, I didn't see your last post. Now I will test your trigger.
Best  regards.


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