Author Topic: MFP screen freezes  (Read 4176 times)

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MFP screen freezes
« on: 07 Sep 2013, 23:00 »
having problems with the screen freezing.
It shows match has been suspended whilst the Betfair
site is normal.
Other times the odds don't change for 5-10 minutes or more.
whilst other times they change every couple of seconds
as normal.
I thought there maybe a screen refresh button.
I wonder if a complete reinstall may help.
Has this been a problem in the past ?
Thanks for any help offered.
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: MFP screen freezes
« Reply #1 on: 08 Sep 2013, 09:05 »
This sounds like a Data Request problem, or a possible an internet connection fault.
Basically the program is requiring more data requests than the overall setting in Connection Monitor is allowing. This generates an ever-growing queue of data requests, where eventually something has to give. 

To try to narrow down the source of the problem:
What is the Connection Monitor overall request limit
What is the maximum number of markets that are being refreshed at any one
What is the market refresh rate for both Idle and In-play markets
In the settings what is the update frequency of:
Update list of bets
Update Statement
What is the speed of your internet connection? Is it steady or does it vary? Has this freezing problem occurred previously, or only very recently?

Steps you can take:
Confirm your internet connection is a reasonable speed, say > 2mbps, and is stable
Check connection monitor settings
Limit the number of concurrently refreshing markets (do a test with say 5 markets, is everything smooth? If not it points to an internet connection fault)
Use trigger actions:
Set market’s idle refresh to
Set market’s in-play refresh to
To dynamically adjust refresh rates according to needs, and to stagger market refresh rates
Start monitoring markets only when needed
Stop monitoring / delete markets when not needed
Switch off settings that are not needed but may consume data requests: AUS wallet / statement, score, silks etc.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: MFP screen freezes
« Reply #2 on: 15 Sep 2013, 14:09 »

Thanks for your comprehensive check list, and also
apologies for taking time to reply as I required a few
days to test markets using the many suggestions you
kindly listed.

I haven't noticed any freezing of markets since I reported them,
at least not the ones I have monitored.
The request limit is set at 20 per minute with 1000 per hour limit.
Max number being refreshed would be about 20 at any one time.
Idle refresh rate 4 sec and in-play refresh 2 sec.
Update list of bets every 3 sec. and statement every 60 sec.
The internet download speed is around 17mbps (quite constant)
I'm using BT Infidelity1.
I have not noticed it freeze previously, not to say that it hasn't,
I've moved house recently from a wifi (unstable) connection to broadband
However I understand from the installer that Broadband and Broadband wifi
are the same.

I also noticed my laptop a Lenovo X230 i7 with 4GB ram has been running sluggishly
lately and may be a contributing factor. The physical memory is often running at 76%
or thereabouts. I will have this checked out. I usually do have several web pages open at the same time and Chrome for some reason has a higher usage than other browsers.

I had noticed there were a couple of times one of the two profiles I run automatically logged off during the early hours of the morning which coincidentally is the time my
Bit Defender Antivirus scanner is running, perhaps there is a link.

If you feel the settings I have shown above could be improved upon then
I would appreciate your advice.

Thanks again and I'm now sure the problem is my end and not MFP

My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: MFP screen freezes
« Reply #3 on: 15 Sep 2013, 14:40 »
Sounds like your internet connection is good.
The antivirus scan will take up much too much system resource and slow everything down. I am fairly certain you have pinpointed the problem. A number of people, myself include, have disabled the AV scan and run it manually from time-to-time when you are not trading markets.
To be safe I would suggest an overall request limit of 19RPS and 900 transactions per hour for a single profile running.
If you are running 2 profiles 9RPS and 450TPH each.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: MFP screen freezes
« Reply #4 on: 15 Sep 2013, 15:23 »
Strange, when I changed from 20 request limit to 9
and from 1000 transaction limit to 450 in connection monitor
it had the reverse effect. The monitor bar went over the
half way line into red territory.
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: MFP screen freezes
« Reply #5 on: 15 Sep 2013, 16:28 »
The bar is relative to the overall RPS you set for that profile. If you limit the overall RPS, but continue to monitor the same number of markets at the original refresh rate, it will exceed the new RPS setting. In this situation, the data monitor will start queuing the data requests.

Betfair allow you 20 free requests per second.
20 markets refreshing at 1 sec = 20RPS
bets update (weighted as 5 requests ) every 3 seconds = 1.7RPS
statement update (weighted as 5 requests)
market locator

You need to work out your approximate RPS for what you are trading and adjust refresh rates / number of markets etc. per profile limit.

Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE