Author Topic: MFPro running slow?  (Read 2412 times)

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MFPro running slow?
« on: 28 Sep 2016, 16:10 »
Anyone else noticing slower than usual refresh rates on MF Pro?
Mine are 2 to 3 times slower than usual.
API issues?

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Re: MFPro running slow?
« Reply #1 on: 29 Sep 2016, 10:46 »
Try refreshing manually using the round blue refresh button next to the Start/Stop button in the market. If there is a delay, then something's wrong with the connection.
Also check the performance of your connection to BetFair using the Connection Monitor.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: MFPro running slow?
« Reply #2 on: 29 Sep 2016, 11:37 »
No delay with the manual refresh button.
The connection monitor says API errors 0.
I'm a bit confused about the Connection Monitor.  It is showing a shortest Market refresh time of 0.81 sec.  But the figure in brackets on the Timestamp is ticking over at roughly 0.5 seconds.  Shouldn't those numbers correspond.  I've always assumed that the figure in brackets is showing the last refresh time?
Just as I type this, I'm getting sudden slowing again - Timestamp figure has suddenly gone to approx 1.2 secs.
Then I close the Price Ladder and it reverts to 0.5 secs again.
It just feels like everything is processing slower than it was a week ago.  For instance if I try to edit the trigger while the market is refreshing I get a 5 to 10 second hang time.
I'm running the same trigger as I have for years, and I'm suddenly getting slower performance.

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Re: MFPro running slow?
« Reply #3 on: 30 Sep 2016, 09:46 »
Hi Oxa.
I've sorted the main problem, which was with my hardware, so refreshing rapidly again now.
But I notice the Timestamp and Connection Monitor still don't correspond on refresh rates.
Do you know why not?


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE