Author Topic: near_sp and far_sp  (Read 2846 times)

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near_sp and far_sp
« on: 05 Feb 2014, 13:38 »
Hiya all
I am trying to set up a user variable which will update the near and far sp prices every couple of seconds.
I am very familiar with MF but the program just wont update the prices as they change. I have set it to refresh every 2 seconds. The variable will pick up the correct values once but then doesnt refresh them as the values change even tho the trigger is refreshing.
Any ideas?

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Re: near_sp and far_sp
« Reply #1 on: 05 Feb 2014, 17:21 »
You can't use all or part of a reserved variable name as a user variable name. e.g.
user variable name: far value: s_1_far_sp here "far" messes things up.

I have amended the trigger to use different user variable names. Tested OK.
Attached is the amended trigger file.
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Re: near_sp and far_sp
« Reply #2 on: 06 Feb 2014, 10:40 »
Thanks mate, your a star. Much appreciated :)


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