  • #1 by joaofrancisco on 12 Mar 2022
  • Hello everyone..... I had an issue that I can´t solve it. It´s about dutching formulas....

    I have a trigger that make a back ducthing bet in some selections and have a user variable named "pyt" and the value is "current_liab*100/match_b_book"..... This variable will be used by another trigger to close the trade that uses this formula "pyt/back_price" in the amount field.

    Now the issue is that I want to turn this bot into a dutching lay, but the maths seems not working out well. I changed this:

    - "pyt" - current_liab*100/match_b_book to current_liab*100/match_l_book
    - amountpyt/back_price to pyt/lay_price

    I think that the user variable "pyt" is incorrect, because it works on dutching back and for dutching lay it doesn´t.....

    Can you guide me on this one?

    Best regards,
    joao francisco
  • #2 by SteveB on 13 Mar 2022
  • Try using brackets like this
