Author Topic: No Excel connection  (Read 2645 times)

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No Excel connection
« on: 12 Feb 2015, 05:15 »
Problem solved and as I suspected it's a DUMB reason. And is it obvious? Well certainly NOT in the manual. There's a tiny excel icon next to the Settle button. Off On Off On....

Problem solved by User

I have the latest version MFP
My Excel version is 2003

On rare occasions I get a connection and markets shown in Excel but usually get no connection. MFP opens an Excel instance, flashes the icon for a few seconds and when I look at the workbook, it has empty default Sheet2 etc.

I have tried connecting from MFP with Excel running and not running and triggers       running and not running.

     I see nothing in FAQ for compatibility issues for Excel

[later] I changed settings to request the Statement in Excel and that's working.  So it's not an Excel compatibility problem. I'm not seeing the markets.
It will be something sneaky probably in settings.

Any clues?

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Re: No Excel connection
« Reply #1 on: 15 Feb 2015, 11:30 »
I don't mean to be straight forward here but you will be amazed by answers that you can get by being nice.
Greening Up

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Re: No Excel connection
« Reply #2 on: 17 Feb 2015, 08:15 »
I don't mean to be straight forward here but you will be amazed by answers that you can get by being nice.

It may simply be that I've resided in Australia so long  that I've become too straightforward.

Could you explain (and I'm being nice) how my post was not Nice? I am curious so I don't inadvertently offend again. When I said the reason might be dumb there was no implication on my part that this involved anyone else. I truly am puzzled how anyone could take offence.

The issue cannot be searched for in the manual? Therefore it is not obvious in the manual,  because the explanation is shown only in an image. The auto indexing won't include it. Now that is an omission on the part of the person who wrote the manual. Having wasted a couple of days wondering why mfp wasn't connecting I feel justified in feeling peeved and calling it as it is.

I spent more than ten years in commercial IT. It takes longer to write a manual than to write the code. But we can't use the software without a manual and the forums are quite hit and miss.

Meanwhile children are dying in Africa which puts it all into perspective.

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Re: No Excel connection
« Reply #3 on: 17 Feb 2015, 08:58 »
It was many years ago I used MFP in conjunction with Excel, but have you searched the forum and the old archive?


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