Author Topic: Best PC to support MarketFeeder Pro  (Read 5437 times)

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Best PC to support MarketFeeder Pro
« on: 19 Nov 2013, 19:12 »

I'm about to move to an area with poor internet speeds.  I'm also finally going to get a new PC.  I've read the FAQ on the system requirements for MF, but I was hoping someone could provide a little more detail.  My questions are:

1.  What is the minimum internet speed I need to run MF Pro?  I'm guessing that the broadband speed needs to be quick enough to cope with refreshing the market every 0.4 seconds - that being my usual refresh rate - but I've no idea how to translate that into a required speed.  I'm lucky enough to have superfast where I am now so it's not an issue.
2.  Will MFPro work any better with faster or superfast broadband? 
3.  Will a PC with much higher CPU than 1.6 GHz or much higher RAM than 512MB make any difference to MFPro?

It would be very fair to say that I am not an expert in this field, so any help much appreciated, thanks.

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Re: Best PC to support MarketFeeder Pro
« Reply #1 on: 20 Nov 2013, 11:20 »

The key is a stable internet connection. The problem with poor ADSL via phone line internet speed areas is the line quality can vary a lot. This affects the speed the line can handle, and sometimes can drop the connection if the line quality is very bad. A big factor is also the line distance from your house to the serving telephone exchange.

In the UK the superfast broadband via a phone line is called Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC). A high speed fibre optic cable services the local cabinet on the street corner where your phone line is connected to. From the cabinet to your house is a short run of copper (your existing phone line) which is much more stable and can handle high speeds because of the short distance from the cabinet to your house.

The other option is whether your new area has cable TV. This is fibre optic direct to your house and the cable TV provider usually offers a broadband service as well.

Your questions:

1. I think 2mb/s is the minimum, but the important thing is must be stable and not drop. Also, at 2mb/s no one else in the house should be streaming / downloading etc.

2. Yes. I had a 6mb/s ADSL service which varied in speed a lot, and dropped from time to time. I changed to the ISP's superfast broadband via FTTC. It has been rock solid since changing. I now get a constant 57mb/s download and 12mb/s upload. The street cabinet is 500 metres away, and the telephone exchange is 6km away.

3. Yes, especially if you are monitoring lots of markets, or have a big list of bets. If you are getting a new PC anyway, the spec will be much higher than the minimum spec required for MFP. A ball-park suggested minimum spec: 2.0Ghz processor, 4GB RAM, 500GB Hard Drive.
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Re: Best PC to support MarketFeeder Pro
« Reply #2 on: 20 Nov 2013, 13:48 »
In my opinion, MF Pro works with poor internet connection, if you not bet in-play. If you got a slow internet connection and you have high demands, you could hire a VPS-server and run MFP.
If you rent a VPS, maybe you don't have to invest in a new computer! :)

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Re: Best PC to support MarketFeeder Pro
« Reply #3 on: 23 Nov 2013, 11:55 »
Thanks both.  Really helpful for someone like me.

I've managed to test the broadband in the property.  A not too rapid 1Mb!  And it's not in a cable area.

The better news is that the telephone exchange is less than 3km away and "accepting orders" for superfast.  If and when the property will get connected is the big question.  I've asked Openreach but I'm not holding my breath for a response.

Which brings me to a VPS.  I've no idea how that would work.  Seen it mentioned, but don't understand what it is.  If anyone uses one successfully for MFPro it would be good to know how it works in practice.  Would I still have the full functionality to control MFP from home? 


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Re: Best PC to support MarketFeeder Pro
« Reply #4 on: 24 Nov 2013, 07:58 »
If the telephone exchange is shown as accepting orders, just place your order for superfast broadband through your preferred ISP. If it is BT, an Openreach engineer will visit and connect your telephone line to the fibre serviced cabinet in the street, and will install 2 small boxes in the property. A modem and a wireless router. The whole process should not be more than a week from ordering.

VPS (Virtual Private Server). You rent a "virtual computer" from the hosting company, which you connect to remotely. Benefits include reliability, reliable internet connectivity, hosting company does back-ups etc., you can access it from anywhere in the world. You will always have an up-to-date computer for a fixed monthly outgoing. No need to worry about replacing your hardware every few years.
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Re: Best PC to support MarketFeeder Pro
« Reply #5 on: 25 Nov 2013, 09:24 »
Thanks Mark

I will read up on VPS.  What I don't understand yet is how I connect to the virtual computer.  Presumably not via the internet, otherwise I am back to square one if my broadband is patchy.  If I understand correctly I can control a VPS from non Betfair countries like Spain and France, and not be blocked from using the exchange?  That would certainly be an added attraction.

Re the superfast connection, I think the issue is that although the exchange is accepting orders, the box on the street is not yet fibre serviced.  (It's in a rural area, basically 3km up a big hill).  Certainly when I spoke with BT last week they said that superfast wasn't yet available for the property and couldn't say when it would be.

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Re: Best PC to support MarketFeeder Pro
« Reply #6 on: 25 Nov 2013, 10:24 »
Connection to a VPS is via internet, but the connection is only for viewing the screen of the VPS and sending mouse and keyboard commands. It does not really matter if your connection to the VPS is intermittent, because the VPS and its connection to the internet is reliable.

Something else you could consider is a 3G dongle. This is a USB stick that plugs in to a USB port on your computer. It will provide your internet service through the cellular phone network. You could for example take a one month rolling contract on this until the superfast is connected.

That said, I think you should try out the existing 1mb service in any event. It might be OK.
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