Author Topic: Place a cover lay bet  (Read 1155 times)

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Place a cover lay bet
« on: 13 Apr 2017, 23:34 »

I have a problem that seems to be very trivial but for some reason I am unable to make it work right.

Under certain conditions my trigger places a 1 unit back bet on over goals market.

I would like two possible things to happen:

1) If possible profit is above 70% green up. This seems easy you just set green up when profit % = 70

2) If possible profit is between 35 and 70% - place 1 unit lay bet so that when no more goals are scored the bet is void. 

3) If the profit/loss is below 35%. Keep it in the game.

What will be the equation for number 2? I thought I figured it out with bm_backa, bm_backp and lay_price but I don't think it works well......

Thank you in advance

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Re: Place a cover lay bet
« Reply #1 on: 14 Apr 2017, 21:08 »
try something like:
and selections trigger expression s_2_tradeout_net is between (s_2_bm_backa*35)/100 and (s_2_bm_backa*70)/100
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Re: Place a cover lay bet
« Reply #2 on: 15 Apr 2017, 11:15 »
Works beautifully!!

Thank you Mark!


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