Author Topic: Place Lay on Greyhounds  (Read 2013 times)

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Place Lay on Greyhounds
« on: 03 Feb 2016, 11:18 »

I setup a trigger successfully on Greyhounds, where I lay 2 traps, and this has worked fine, and now, I want to use this for place, so I pretty much copied the trigger node of the XML file, and adjusted it for a different odds range. Do now I have 2 triggers, one for Win and one for Place...

When I tried it this morning, I got the message as shown in the image...

I need to be able to use this trigger set for both win and place...

Can someone please check my trigger and let me know why this is not working?  It still works on the win market, but for place, I get inappropriate market?



  • Élite
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Re: Place Lay on Greyhounds
« Reply #1 on: 03 Feb 2016, 12:33 »
when you look at the win market, the place trigger will show inappropriate market, because you are looking at the win market and if you look at the place market you will get the same message for the win market trigger.
the reason why no bets are placed in the place market is because you have a variable conflict.
remove all the _PL and replace it with 1 or if you want pl but NOT _1 or _pl , that is in the constants and the trigger amount and the trigger conditions.
the reason is because you have used bank_size etc as a variable so the new bank_size_pl takes the first bank_size and the rest is a conflict.
but bank_size1 etc is a new variable

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