  • #1 by LiAlH4 on 13 Sep 2017
  • Hello,

    I have a problem with making my trigger play a sound when certain condition is met. I know that the code is fine and the path to the sound file is correct. However, for some reason it works on one computer but does not work on the other. The same thing happens to my friend. He used to normally get alarmed when trigger fired but now since he changed his laptop he has not been able to.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you,

  • #2 by MarkV on 14 Sep 2017
  • Hi
    check the setting is ticked to Play Sounds. If you don't want the listed sounds to play just empty the path fields and save the settings, or create a silent sound file.
  • #3 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 14 Sep 2017
  • Can you hear the sound if you manually double-click on the following file?

    c:\Program Files (x86)\MarketFeeder pro 8\media\ding.wav
  • #4 by LiAlH4 on 15 Sep 2017
  • It worked! I thought play sounds option is only for the ones defined below. After emptying the path and leaving the option ticked it works. 

    Thank you!