Author Topic: Please help me with this excel  (Read 2573 times)

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Please help me with this excel
« on: 19 Sep 2019, 22:59 »

I just cannot figure out how to do this, the documentation is not giving me the answer, I am seeing loads of references to sheet1!A1, which can be used in a trigger, and yet, when I try it, I just cannot get it to work.

Please see the attached images.

I am obviously doing something wrong, but there is no possible way to debug through this, and so I have no way to figure this out myself

Thanks for the help

I have never in all my years of development been at a loss on how to debug through anything, except when I use MFP - I wish you would put debug facilities inside MFP, then I would never have to pester anybody! There is no coding language that I cannot figure out myself, and yet, the major limitations of MFP are stopping me right there in my tracks - very frustrating. BUT, you never seem to take any notice of me, so I will continue to criticise it....

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Re: Please help me with this excel
« Reply #1 on: 20 Sep 2019, 08:07 »
to reference data in a connected Excel sheet cell use the variable cell_ 

for example:
selections back price is less than cell_shtStakes_A1 
or selections trigger expression cell_shtStakes_A1 is greater than back_price

or to bet the amount in the cell on say second fav:
amount: cell_shtStakes_A1
condition: selections rank is equal to 2
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Re: Please help me with this excel
« Reply #2 on: 22 Sep 2019, 13:02 »

Thanks so much for your help.

I suppose the response to my question could have been RTFM properly! I would say in my defense, I was not aware of the 'Excel Bound Variables' and my reference to the manual, revealed on page 102, {sheet_name}!{cell_address}...

Now that I am able to GET values from cells within the excl sheet, I am now trying, unsuccessfully, to SET values in cells in excel.

I will ask the question here, but if it is not the place to ask, I will ask a fresh question in another post...

given that I can get values using cell_sheet_cellReference, I assume I cannot write values to excel using that syntax?

I have a plan to write the selections' values, at settle time, on the horses. I want to write ["market_name"] in column A, ["sel_name"] in column B, and [sel_place] in column C. I am referring to COLUMN, rather than A1, B1, C1, because I want to write a value for each selection, in its own row, for each market that is used.

I decided to have a formula in excel to give the row number of the next empty cell, and I used =SUMPRODUCT(MAX(($A:$A<>"")*(ROW(A:A)))) + 1

I have this formula on cell J1

The formula shown will give the last filled cell in column A, and I put in +1, to give me the next row, which has an empty cell, in column A...

So, with that, in order to write these 3 entries into the excel sheet, I wanted to use a triple set of write to Excel actions as :

write ["sel_name"] Cell address shtSheet!B(cell_shtSheet_J1)
write [sel_place] Cell address shtSheet!C(cell_shtSheet_J1)
write ["market_name"] Cell address shtSheet!A(cell_shtSheet_J1)

so, if the last empty cell in column A is A5, then the first action above will write the selections name into B5, it win status (win or lose, 0 or 1), into C5, and finally the market name into A5..

Once these 3 values have been added, the formula shown above will detect an entry into A5, and the value in J will now be 6...

Seems logical enough, but I am not sure this will work...


Well, in order to test the theory of referencing the value in J1, I did a straight user variable check, as cell_shtSheet1_J1, and it gave me the value 5, no problem


by manually adding a value into cell B5, such as 'hello' - When I did cell_shtSheet_B(cell_shtSheet_J1), the value shown was the literal, as cell_shtSheet_B5

So, to check this I put another variable in there, as cell_shtSheet_B5, and the value shown was 'hello'

So, using a direct reference to cell_shtSheet_B5, I am able to see the value held in that sell, but using a construct as cell_shtSheet_B(cell_shtSheet_J1), Iam not able to see the value...

Did I do something wrong here?

Can my triple set of write action's work? Is there a different way I need to do it?



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Re: Please help me with this excel
« Reply #3 on: 22 Sep 2019, 14:23 »
And just for completeness.. 

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Re: Please help me with this excel
« Reply #4 on: 23 Sep 2019, 07:36 »
Try this:

Constant: counter Value: 1
Constant: sheet_name Value: shtSheet

write to Excel "market_name" cell address: sheet_name!A(counter)
write to Excel "sel_name" cell address: sheet_name!B(counter)
write to Excel sel_place cell address: sheet_name!C(counter)
set user variable name: counter value: counter+1

so you set the constant counter value to the row you want to start writing to
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Re: Please help me with this excel
« Reply #5 on: 23 Sep 2019, 12:09 »
Hi MarkV,

Thanks again for your help - I am pretty sure this should work.

Problem is, when I came to use it, I then get an OLE error message, shown through the trigger logs....

See image. Is there a fix for this, or do I need to update something on the PC/OS?


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Re: Please help me with this excel
« Reply #6 on: 23 Sep 2019, 12:12 »
just for completeness....

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Re: Please help me with this excel
« Reply #7 on: 23 Sep 2019, 12:29 »
oh dear, you may have noticed my attempt to reference a non existent variable - T20D01, where it should have been T2ID01..

Yes, I have corrected this, but please feel free to abuse me for this...

Yes, it worked. MarkV, you are are the best, thank you so much!

I hang my head in shame!

BUT, I am secretly very happy because I have completed what I needed to do...


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