Author Topic: PLEASE READ THE MANUAL!  (Read 5900 times)

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 8826
  • Gender: Female
« on: 12 Jun 2012, 15:22 »
I must say I am very much impressed by the popularity of Version 7! Seems a lot of people are willing to try it, which is great!

However, the load on our tech support has increased hugely over the last couple of days. We appreciate that a lot of things do require our direct and immediate attention (certainly all kinds of bugfixes, certain problems that occur because of special computer configuration etc.). However, there are so many queries indicating that the manual coming with the software is clearly being ignored.

Of course it is so much faster and easier to send an email than to read a chapter or two, but come on! We did put a lot of effort into writing that manual and making it work even for new users!

So please invest into reading at least crucial parts of the manual! We will HAVE to put your support request off to make room for more urgent ones, if you are writing "triggers in V7 do not work!" and then it turns out that you think anything will go for a trigger variable, or you forget to enable triggers etc.

Please don't take it as us trying to get away from supporting clients, it is a genuine plea to respect everybody's time. :)
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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