Author Topic: Preferred method for resetting stuff at end of the day.  (Read 2152 times)

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I am running triggers on greyhounds..

What is the preferred method for running a trigger at the end of the day ... To recalc a new target new bet sizes etc for the NEXT day? 

Can some one explain...

It would be super handy if we could just have MF run at trigger at a specific time! Say midnight.. but we can't so what is the best way to go about doing this?


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Re: Preferred method for resetting stuff at end of the day.
« Reply #1 on: 10 Feb 2020, 14:20 »
I think it can be done if the variables to be reset are global.
There needs to be one market refreshing, I would suggest a long-term tournament or politics market, something like that.
Low refresh rate, e.g. 5 minutes (or you can set the refresh rate through triggers for this market as it gets closer to reset time)

one trigger to reset your global variables and also to include an action to reset win/lose history
markets name (or betting code) is the long term market
and global current time is between 23:30 and 23:59
and any other conditions you need...
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Re: Preferred method for resetting stuff at end of the day.
« Reply #2 on: 10 Feb 2020, 14:29 »
Thanks MarkV... not ideal... as obviously need to make sure market is still current and active etc..

Oh well suppose it will have to do !

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Re: Preferred method for resetting stuff at end of the day.
« Reply #3 on: 14 Oct 2021, 01:09 »
I still hate how unreliable this method is. Market Feeder really needs a method for performing actions like resetting variables at a specific time. Indep3of whether there are any markets running or not! 


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