Author Topic: Previous Triggered Event's Settled P/L is Greater than 0 doesn't work for me??  (Read 8392 times)

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Previous Triggered Event's Settled P/L is Greater than 0

Doesn't work for me, EVER!

I'm trying to update a simple counter trigger to keep track of number of bets won but this doesn't do anything.

Obviously I'm not putting the 'Trigger Backing Number of runs is equal to 0' because I only want the counter variable to update when a bet has won but this will NOT work for me.

I'm at a loss and would appreciate some help if anyone could?

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3671
Please see the attached screenshot.
You can also look at Win/Lose variables: losses and wins
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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I understand all that but the problems in the...

'Previous Triggered Event's Settled P/L is Greater than 0' statement.

When thats set as a condition the counter isn't updated at all I have the counter set to individually for each sport and not globally, dont know if that makes a difference.

I cant use history variables because I have two systems that have their own history variables and are also supposed to be updated when 'Previous Triggered Event's Settled P/L is Greater than 0' trigger condition works.

It doesn't and I'm close to signing up for another robot provider because of this problem.

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Anyone shed any light on this?

How to make a simple counter trigger using

Previous Triggered Event's Settled P/L is Greater than 0 and nothing else?

I've tried a million ways and cant get this simple trigger to work?

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I must say that I haven't had much success using that particular condition either, so I have needed to use Markets Settled p/l instead, with the trigger market status set to Settled.  So as soon as a previous market is settled and in profit your counter will increase.

The software is extremely comprehensive, so I doubt that you will find anything else to even approach it.

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I love MF Pro and have a lifetime license so will always use it but this is extremely frustrating because it doesn't do what its supposed to, in fact it does nothing at all.

I have two/three systems to run together under one username so Market Settled p/l wont do the job for me because it wont be specific to each system! hmmm

Thanks for replying... doesn't seem to be a lot of help with this function, perhaps most people are struggling with it!

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When I think about it I solved a similar problem to yourself, where I had 2 strategies running under the same username, each with its own staking requirements.  It was a bit long-winded but worked perfectly, I'll have a look through my trigger collection and see if I can spot anything useful.

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That would be much appreciated!

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I wasn't using a counter, but increasing stake after a loss on 2 strategies.  So one staking adjust trigger looked like this:

Set user variable:  stake1=stake1+addstake   Globally
Market Status: Settled

Trigger xyz  Number of Runs is equal to 1  (Overall not ticked)
and Markets Settled P/L is less than 0
and Selections Trigger Expression winner_name is not equal to backed_name

The last condition was to ensure that my backed selection was a loser for trigger xyz.  If you were only counting then you would only need the first 2 conditions and the first condition ensures that only a specific trigger has just fired and caused your counter to increase.

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Thank you... great idea. That'll get around it, brilliant.

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There's no details or help on the variable 'backed_name'... where did you come by this?


  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
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the condition
Previous Triggered Event's Settled P/L is Greater than 0
has to be in a betting trigger only, if not you are asking the trigger to do something that has not happened.
to get a triggered event's pl/is settled, the trigger MUST have placed a bet first.

are you using different profiles for your betting

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 149
oh, thats interesting. I put 'Previous Triggered Event's Settled P/L is Greater than 0 ' in triggers to count winning/losing bets... so that wouldn't work?

Not using different profiles, only using one!

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
the best way is to use the  pw  condition, but you will have to also use a variable to record the selections index that has a bet on it.
then you use the condition
and selections trigger expression pw_1_sel_index is equal to  (the variable name you use)

pw = previous winner

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Ok. Thank you


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