Author Topic: Problem with 'Selections name is in file'  (Read 2633 times)

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Problem with 'Selections name is in file'
« on: 08 Aug 2014, 22:39 »
Hi Guys,

I have posted regarding this problem before and did get it working but only sometimes, which frustrated the hell out of me.

Anyway I have managed to narrow down when this does and does not work.

To recap, I am trying to bet on selections only contained within a text file. 

This works perfectly if betting in the UK horse racing markets ie.  GB or IRE
But if I try it in the Australian market  (AUS)  it never works.

As I am typing out this post I now actually see the problem.
Because the australian markets have the horses number displayed next to the name it causes this. 

eg.   AUS horses displayed as      4. Fine Bubbles
        UK horses displayed as     Fine Bubbles

I can get around this by adding the horses number to its name in the text file, but this is kind of annoying.  Is there a possible easier solution to this?


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Re: Problem with 'Selections name is in file'
« Reply #1 on: 15 Aug 2014, 14:52 »
Hi ideasman,

Well, the number is a part of a horse's name on BetFair, just like an apostrophe or hyphen. When a trigger checks if a name is equal to the entries in the file, it looks for an exact case-insensitive match.

You could try the "Import selections for auto-trading" though - it looks for names with and without numbers, dots etc., so it is more flexible. But this will only work if you can let the trigger ignore all other selections.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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