Author Topic: Problem with selection from txt file  (Read 5691 times)

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Problem with selection from txt file
« on: 30 Nov 2018, 22:11 »
Hi, I load selections into a txt file in the morning for horse racing which my trigger is linked to. But this file needs to be updated during the day due to non runners causing new selections.
Generally I check and update the txt file via my phone and team viewer but also sometimes directly on my laptop.
the problem is that sometimes the trigger will find the additional selections and sometimes it doesn't!
There is no logic, somedays it works others it doesn't.
If I check the trigger logs for each race where a new selection is valid, it will specifically say no selections found in txt file, but will find any of the original selections loaded in the morning.
The original selections are copied and pasted from an excel sheet that I use to quickly encase the selections with"", whereas additional selections are typed in, why should this different input method cause the error, and why only intermittently?

  • Élite
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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #1 on: 01 Dec 2018, 05:32 »
can you include the list that failed , to see if I can see the problem , also include the trigger that reads the file.

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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #2 on: 01 Dec 2018, 10:04 »
Thanks Mcbee,

Unfortunately I don't have the selection txt file as I update these on a daily basis, but I have attached a copy of todays file so you can see the format. I normally cut and paste any duplicate selections into a second txt file, and then manually type any new selections during the day into the spaces this leaves.
I did wonder if the cut and paste, then typing into the gaps would cause the problem?

I have included the trigger log for a race on Thursday where I had added Craiganboy to the txt file during the day, but this wasn't then picked up by the trigger.

Hope this helps but if you want any more info pls let me know.


  • Élite
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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #3 on: 01 Dec 2018, 10:19 »
the trigger that uses the file.

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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #4 on: 01 Dec 2018, 11:01 »

But please note that the trigger works with all selections pasted into the txt file from my csv file in the morning, the problem only occurs with additional selections typed in manually during the day.


  • Élite
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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #5 on: 01 Dec 2018, 11:53 »
please tick the Reread file in all betting triggers.
also make sure that every time you add a name you save the file.
can you take a screen shot of the trigger log when it fails 

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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #6 on: 01 Dec 2018, 12:22 »
Hi Mcbee,

Yes I always save the file whenever I add a new selection, and the trigger log included in the earlier post, is from a race where the trigger failed, I had added Craiganboy to the txt file, but the trigger failed to pick it up!

As you can see it says checking txt file, condition is false!

It is not the trigger function as such that is at fault, but somehow the recognition of the text when it is typed in rather than having been copied and pasted from a csv file.

It is also intermittent, as some days it will work, others it wont. I obviously noticed this race in particular as I unfortunately missed a near 30 bsp winner.

The only reasons I can think of for the fault is either that the format of the text when inputted from my phone via team viewer is somehow different, or by putting the text into the space created in the txt file by cutting and pasting multiple selections into a second or third txt file, is somehow corrupted and so proves unreadable by the trigger? 

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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #7 on: 01 Dec 2018, 13:24 »
a couple of thoughts:
check your quotation marks in the text file are "straight" if they are ”like this the condition will return FALSE

and from another user who had a similar issue, try moving the condition selections name is in file as the first condition in the trigger  
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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #8 on: 01 Dec 2018, 13:46 »
Cheers Mark, will check the "" marks on different input methods and try inserting any additional selections first in the file

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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #9 on: 01 Dec 2018, 14:13 »
Here is a live example of the problem, Dentley De Mee" was an original selection this morning, however due to non runners it then became a duplicate selection.
I typed the selection manually into my second txt file but the trigger failed to recognise it.

If you are wondering about the gaps in the second txt file, I have changed the way I input duplicate selections, rather than cut and paste I now get my csv file to recognise and create duplicate entries.

Harefield which has already run, was picked up by and backed by both triggers

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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #10 on: 01 Dec 2018, 14:21 »
Hi Mark,

Just had another example of a selection I added to the end of txt file, it wasn't picked up.

Luckily I saw it before the race started, so re typed it into the start of the file and it was picked up!

So looks like that might be the answer I'm looking for.

Thank you

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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #11 on: 01 Dec 2018, 20:00 »
if it still gives problems, in the settings for the logger, turn on Log Trigger Expressions
you will be able to check exactly what the trigger is reading from the text file
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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #12 on: 01 Dec 2018, 21:27 »
Hi Mark, yes I'll have to try that, as I had another problem later today with a selection I inserted at the top of the text file. Alternatively, now I've changed the csv file to recognise and split duplicate entries I might find it easier to replace the whole text file. Is it possible to have the trigger search a csv/ excel file rather than a text file?

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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #13 on: 02 Dec 2018, 12:12 »
I tested the trigger you posted and used the same text file of yours, and tried adding selections in your file in the gaps, at the bottom, at the top. Every time your trigger worked fine. I think you need to switch on logging trigger expressions and look for what it is that is causing that FALSE.

You can use the Import Selections for auto-trading procedure from an Excel sheet (which is a manual process), or you can formulate conditions to trigger from an Excel cell value but that means having MF connected to Excel. There is no "is in file" equivalent for an Excel file.
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  • Élite
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Re: Problem with selection from txt file
« Reply #14 on: 02 Dec 2018, 12:56 »
did you tick the reread box like I said in the earlier post , because if the market has started monitoring and the reread box is not ticked the trigger will look at what is in it's memory from the original list not the new list.

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