Author Topic: problem with winner_name variable  (Read 3502 times)

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problem with winner_name variable
« on: 29 Nov 2012, 18:13 »
Hi all,

Do you know why the winner_name variable is filled (when the market is finished) in the User Variables window, but this same winner_name variable is empty when we use it in the "Conditions" block in the trigger (with Market's status is Settled or Finished) ?
I use it in Greyhound markets.

Any idea ?



  • Élite
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Re: problem with winner_name variable
« Reply #1 on: 29 Nov 2012, 22:27 »
the winner_name will be for the market that it is in and not the next market.
so you will not be able to use this in your triggers , as the triggers are active in the monitored market before inplay and during inplay.
if you want to use the winner from the last market as a condition, you should use

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Re: problem with winner_name variable
« Reply #2 on: 30 Nov 2012, 16:39 »
Hi Mcbee,

I need winner_name for the current market (status settled), otherwise why this variable exists ? With pw_1_sel_index you don't know if it is the previous race or another one if the race was delayed.
When you look at the user variables window winner_name works for the actual market, but not in a condition of a trigger.

the winner_name will be for the market that it is in and not the next market.
so you will not be able to use this in your triggers , as the triggers are active in the monitored market before inplay and during inplay.
if you want to use the winner from the last market as a condition, you should use


  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
Re: problem with winner_name variable
« Reply #3 on: 30 Nov 2012, 17:42 »
the problem that i see with this is that the market when finnish stops monitoring automatic, so the triggers are not active, the triggers are only active in monitored markets.
i know the problems that you are having as i too bet on the greyhounds and late results, delayed starts, deaheats etc affect the results timing.
i have resulted in re-doing my systems to per track, so if there is a delay it is no problem.
i had to copy and paste all the track winning possitions from jan this year and it to weeks , but i developed a system for each track and made triggers for each track, so i just load the triggers and track in bots that is racing today.
it used to be a big pain sitting at the computer 12 hours a day just in case the results came in late or no results at all.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: problem with winner_name variable
« Reply #4 on: 07 Dec 2012, 21:41 »
Thank you mcbee for your help.
MFP has just answered me that they have pointed the problem.
The correction will be available in the next program update : "it looks like the variable winner_name is assigned immediately after triggers are executed on a settled market (and it should be the other way round)."



the problem that i see with this is that the market when finnish stops monitoring automatic, so the triggers are not active, the triggers are only active in monitored markets.
i know the problems that you are having as i too bet on the greyhounds and late results, delayed starts, deaheats etc affect the results timing.
i have resulted in re-doing my systems to per track, so if there is a delay it is no problem.
i had to copy and paste all the track winning possitions from jan this year and it to weeks , but i developed a system for each track and made triggers for each track, so i just load the triggers and track in bots that is racing today.
it used to be a big pain sitting at the computer 12 hours a day just in case the results came in late or no results at all.



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