Author Topic: Problems with mf pro stopping or trigger stopping  (Read 3392 times)

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Okay so I'm currently running a recovery trigger on O/U markets so I need the software to be as reliable as possible. At the moment I've come across 2 problems which need fixing then I should be okay.

The first problem is with the number of bets allowed at any time so I have a constant of max bets set at 1 and a condition for the backing trigger that says the bet control should be less than max bets which does work but once or twice a day, it seems to go wrong, I check the trigger report and it says condition is false for the bet control even though the market has settled and it works for the rest of the day. I thought it might have been because I was deleting the last 50 markets but I turned it off and it still happens which is no good if I'm in the middle of recovery and need to restart mf pro.

The 2nd problem which has just happened and only once in 2 days of testing is mf pro seemed to kind of crash. It looked like the statement was continuously refreshing, the timer was still counting but the match said it was 67 mins inplay even though the event had ended which caused me to have to restart mf pro during recovery. Only a small loss but still not ideal for this kind of plan.

Anyone know how I might fix these 2 issues? I'm thinking it may be related to the number of markets. I have the refresh rates set to 20 secs and I only load markets that are inplay and have £1000 matched. The 2nd problem could potentially be due to Internet issues that I had earlier so the main concern is problem 1. Cheers.

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Re: Problems with mf pro stopping or trigger stopping
« Reply #1 on: 07 May 2023, 08:04 »
If the statement is continually refreshing it does sound like internet connection or Betfair server issue. The program log might give more detail on that.

If the trigger is getting stuck for whatever reason you could add a condition to move the trigger on after a set period of time. Use a condition block like this:

     your condition for bet counter
     or previously triggered events minutes before the off is less than -150

set the -150 to however many minutes you want to wait after the start of the last market before moving to the next market  
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Problems with mf pro stopping or trigger stopping
« Reply #2 on: 07 May 2023, 23:06 »
Would this condition ignore the result from the last match so for example if I'm on my 3rd step recovery then the next bet will also be 3rd step recovery? or would it go to the next step recovery and assume it was a loss? Just asking because if that market lost but it doesn't move to the next step then I may make a loss on that market. Cheers.

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Re: Problems with mf pro stopping or trigger stopping
« Reply #3 on: 08 May 2023, 07:16 »
Yes it will ignore your max bets counter after the set amount of time. The idea of the condition is to make the triggers move on if current market is taking too long to be settled, has been suspended, abandoned game etc.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Problems with mf pro stopping or trigger stopping
« Reply #4 on: 08 May 2023, 16:19 »
I've managed to set it up so that it takes the event as a loss by adding a calculation to the trigger. It adds an extra risk factor but recovers all my losses or makes extra profit if the event was a win. Another worry I'm having is being matched at higher amounts. Originally, I was backing one more goal so if the bet was unmatched then betfair normally auto match the bets as the back price increases and more market volume is added but now I'm laying one more goal as this reduces liability sizes. The problem is betfair only auto matches if the lay price reduces but the lay price is rising. Have you got any advice for making sure to get matched?

I know there are methods for drip feeding the money into the market but is there any other ways like setting up a condition to match unmatched bets at current price? My starting bets are currently £1.00 so I don't have any problems at the moment but I'm hoping to increase the starting bet to £10 which could end up with bets of £300+.

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Re: Problems with mf pro stopping or trigger stopping
« Reply #5 on: 08 May 2023, 18:34 »
One of these should do what you want - just modify conditions to your needs:

Item 4. here

This trigger is in an older version format. Just open the file in Trigger Editor and save it to convert to new version

Another example trigger

Also in the Stop Loss settings there are options to match unmatched bets at best price

You can also lay a few ticks higher than best price to try ensure a match: r_ticks(lay_price, 3) will lay 3 tick higher than best lay price. Betfair will then "auto match" from best lay price up to 3 ticks higher if the volume is there   
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Problems with mf pro stopping or trigger stopping
« Reply #6 on: 08 May 2023, 19:12 »
So with the trigger from item 4. Could I set it up the same way but change the status to inplay and instead of minutes before the off, change it to minutes since the offer is greater than (the constant I have for the bet time) and then execute no more than every 0.5 mins so therefore it would attempt to match any unmatched bets at the best price every 30 seconds?

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Re: Problems with mf pro stopping or trigger stopping
« Reply #7 on: 09 May 2023, 06:47 »
You could try that but because they are lay bets it would need very strict conditions regarding the maximum best available price price to match to. Otherwise your lay bet could be matched at best price which may be an enormous price and liability especially in markets with low liquidity and big gaps in the prices.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Problems with mf pro stopping or trigger stopping
« Reply #8 on: 09 May 2023, 07:24 »
I have a maximum lay price of 5.0 when placing the bet so I would need to have the same conditions on a trigger for matching the bet too. I would hope though that the bet would be matched before the price gets that high. They tend to only go above 5.0 in the last few minutes of the match but I know what you mean about price gaps in low liquidity. Hopefully with the price conditions, I'll avoid markets with to big of a gap in prices. I'll get it set up with the price conditions. Everything else seems to be working okay for now so will see how it goes, cheers.

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Re: Problems with mf pro stopping or trigger stopping
« Reply #9 on: 09 May 2023, 10:56 »

With regards to problem #1, the standard way to unblock triggers that have stuck because one of the previous markets is still not settled (it may be displayed as finished but in reality it may be abandoned or voided) is to add a condition that will ignore this market after a certain time. You can still keep the main condition that checks the number of simultaneous bets, just move it to a condition block and add the second condition e.g.:

   Selection's Trigger Expression bet_cntr is less than max_bets
   or Previous Triggered Event's Minute before the off is less than -30

This will make the triggers go ahead after 30 minutes of waiting since the scheduled beginning of the market that is still deemed non-settled.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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