Author Topic: profit / loss on individual strategy - but not for everything  (Read 5252 times)

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I am trying to develop a trigger which at its core, is a percentage bank staking system, I have the trigger for this, but there is one slight niggle I am not sure about...

I have a number of strategies running, each with their own trigger, some of backing, some for laying, some are place, some are win, and when I run these together, they will each have their own results.

One of the triggers in this is called "Getting the new bank", and it uses the following:
Name  bank  Value bank + last_pl   Globally

The problem I have is that I want to concentrate ONLY on 1 particular strategy, and if this loses, I keep the same stake as before, and if it wins, then I increase the stake based on the new bank - but I think that this 'last_pl' value is taken from the overall profit/loss - so I am not sure how to get the profit/loss from an individual strategy

is it possible to get this?

My simple requirement is that I want to have selections stake 5% of a £100 bank, and keep the stake on ratchet if it loses and increase stake if it wins and returns back above the highest bank level....



  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3675
I think you asked a similar unanswered question in August?

For Real Mode in general terms I'd say no. The existing Win/Lose variables and Statement data is global, which makes it impossible to determine which trigger placed what bet, and therefore to be able run separate banks.

You could try to do something with user variables, but it is complex as described here:

I think at present the only way to do this properly would be to have multiple Betfair accounts.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 314
I think you asked a similar unanswered question in August?

For Real Mode in general terms I'd say no. The existing Win/Lose variables and Statement data is global, which makes it impossible to determine which trigger placed what bet, and therefore to be able run separate banks.

You could try to do something with user variables, but it is complex as described here:

I think at present the only way to do this properly would be to have multiple Betfair accounts.

hi MarkV,

thanks for the reply.

I think potentially I may not be asking the question properly - I don't know, but surely there must be loads of users who want to be able to have multiple systems in place, and those systems will have their own profit/losses. It would be tiresome to have to go and check every race and adjust one or more virtual banks because there is nothing available to allow separation. This just takes away the whole automation aspect, which is why I want to use this software to enable me to leave it to its stuff.

OK, in terms of trying to be able to resolve this, I think I need to perhaps think about the excel route, but this is not something I am familiar with, so I am a little rusty on using it through Visual studio while the file is open, but as far as profit/loss is concerned, I assume that I am query the race sheet AFTER the race has finished and extract the values from there, and perhaps have some variable setup such that I alter it based on the result?

If this is a possibility, could you point me in the right direction? Of course I don't want you to code it for me, I just am not sure of the right way to approach this - if you could help?

Or possibly, I may be looking at this the wrong way and there is an easier route?

Any help is much appreciated.



  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3675
I agree with you and there has been much discussion here about what you are asking.

Profit/Loss figures in a market are determined by that market being settled by Betfair and an entry being written to the statement. The win/lose variables also take their values from the statement, and the data in the market sheets in Excel comes from MFP variables.

In real mode your BF statement is global or common throughout the program and in all Profiles. In test mode, you do have a "virtual" bank and statement and variables for each different Profile, so in test mode, using different Profiles, you should be able to achieve what you are looking to do.

In a nutshell the issue is you cannot reference a specific bet in the statement to a specific trigger.

As mentioned earlier, you could try updating your own user variables (the same as extracting data from the Excel market sheets), but any attempts at this to the best of my knowledge have not been practical. I'll see if I can find some references in a mo and post them for you.

Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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You could add a decimal number to the wager. If you have two triggers you can add 0.01 to the betamount for trigger 1 (system 1) and 0.02 for trigger corresponding to system 2.

Then you could use a condition to mask out for the lastes settled game from which trigger (system) it come from, by checking the betamount for the latest settled game so you know which bank to update!

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
some years ago i made a set of triggers to operate separate banks all with there own recovery.
sorry but they are set for the greyhounds , rank 1 to 6 as i wanted to know which rank made the most profit.
i have included the trigger for you to look at and maybe learn a little
there are only 6 constants for the bank start amounts, as i converted it from the v6 (that is how long ago i used to have separate banks.
have fun.
to see the bank amounts, open the user variables at the top center of mfp screen.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 314
Hi to all that are helping out,

sorry I wast able to say thanks sooner, circumstances prevented me from being here. So I just want to say thanks so much for the help.

mcbee, I will check out the trigger, and yes, I will probably have fun with them too.  Tupp, this is a good suggestion, I will look into how I can retrieve these values, MarkV, I will check out the links you sent me

that's going to keep me busy for a while and stop me mithering you for more help for a bit..

I will update once I have something concrete to use.

Until next time

Thanks again



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