  • #1 by racepro on 10 Apr 2013
  • hi,
    For the second consecutive time when I set my laptop to run overnight
    I have been greeted the following morning with an error message saying
    "Abnormal Program Termination" and the program had completely
    shut down. My desktop is also running MFP using a different profile
    and have had no problem with that one.
    I did notice a similar problem on an old posting without any solution put forth.
    Anyone any ideas?
    Thanks if you can help
  • #2 by mcbee on 10 Apr 2013
  • hi
    check to see if your laptop has a program/software that updates during the night.
    or if your laptop does any maintenance at night, disk optimizing/virus scans etc.
    try running the profile from your desktop on your laptop and run the profile from the laptop on your desktop to see what happens.
    you can copy the profile from c:/users/win7(or whatever yours is called)/marketfeeder pro/profiles

  • #3 by racepro on 10 Apr 2013
  • thanks mcbee, I'll give those suggestions a go.