Author Topic: Recurrent problem  (Read 2195 times)

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Recurrent problem
« on: 23 Feb 2016, 20:20 »

The trigger i am developing keeps giving errors, or should i say better, place bets when it shouldn´t. I explain:

My trigger is for football, i have it set to be executed once per market and the trigger block is set to be repeated: no more than 30 secs. I also have a close block to close and repeat the trigger.

The real distance between the  repetitions of the triggers are never 30 secs, usually they are around 10 secs, but in some very strange situations it is worse than that: they take just a few seconds (usually less than 5) and if it has placed a bet in the previous refresh, it will not assume that bet, placing another one.

To demostrate what i am telling, i send attached 2 Print Screens (PS).

You can see in the 1st PS that the distance between repetitions was 5 secs and that the condition in the second repetition "s_1_lay_unmatched+s_1_back_unmatched  is equal to 0" appears as true.

None of the bets placed before were matched, so it should be ..false.

As a consequence in the second PS you can see that a 2nd bet was placed in the same market


     1-It´s set for 30seconds repetition but it made 5 secs.
     2-It´s set to be executed just once per market, but it didn´t stop and was executed a 2nd time
     3-It has a condition to stop when there are unmatched bets that it didn´t obey.

Does anyone know what is going on? Am i doing something wrong?


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Re: Recurrent problem
« Reply #1 on: 23 Feb 2016, 20:34 »
sorry but i could not see the attachments for some reason, maybe my computer.
i always use the condition
and selection trigger expression allbets_num is equal to 0
so only one bet can be placed.

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Re: Recurrent problem
« Reply #2 on: 23 Feb 2016, 21:11 »

Thanks for the fast response.

I think i can´t use that condition. I want to close and repeat the trigger if i place it, the trigger will not be executed again (if i understood well the meaning of the condition).

Anyway that certainly  wouldn´t solve the problem because the trigger behaves as it hadn´t been placed any bet before. So to "and selection trigger expression allbets_num is equal to 0" it would say..true as it was what it said to "s_1_lay_unmatched+s_1_back_unmatched  is equal to 0" 5 secs after it has placed 1 lay at 1.01 + 1 back at 1.02. As i told you: none of the bets were matched: and they were in the under 6.5 market. So supposedly the "s_1" should be correct.

For some reason the trigger isn´t assuming the correct distance between repetitions and that it placed bets in the previous repetition.



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