Author Topic: Remember Trigger Variable Scope  (Read 2830 times)

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Remember Trigger Variable Scope
« on: 27 Nov 2014, 14:26 »
Hi All,

Could anyone please tell me what the scope of a Remember trigger variable name is?
I have a Remember trigger with name "bcsels" which remembers some selection variables of horses before the off. This works fine when there is only one market refreshing. If another market starts refreshing at the same time the previous selections/variables remembered under "bcsels" are overwritten. I would have expected that these would be local scope for use within their own market - is that not the case or have I done something fundamentally wrong that could cause this ?

I first noticed it when viewing User Variables for a given market. All was fine until the next market down started refreshing - the values in the remember selections changed. This was the case regardless of the User variables settings (global or specific market).

Any help much appreciated.



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Re: Remember Trigger Variable Scope
« Reply #1 on: 27 Nov 2014, 14:58 »
The scope of variables remembered by a "remember" trigger are Global. That is why their values are overwritten if the trigger is executed in more than one market.

But because of the order the variables are parsed in MF Pro (see manual, chapter Triggered Betting - Reference - Variables - The Order of Parsing Variables), you can attach other variables to their names.

If you want to distinguish between the markets, you can add market_id to the end of the remembered variable name, so in your case it would be bcsels_market_id, and when you will be referring to a particular selection you will be writing, for instance, bcsels_market_id_1_sel_order.

If you want to remember variables separately for each match, you can add market_parent_id (this was also the old way of creating triggers for multi-market football strategies): bcsels_market_parent_id.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Remember Trigger Variable Scope
« Reply #2 on: 27 Nov 2014, 15:02 »
Brilliant Oxa - thanks for your swift reply. The market_id option looks like the one I want to uniquely identify the selections within the market.

Thanks again.


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