Author Topic: remembering a variable on a selection  (Read 2214 times)

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remembering a variable on a selection
« on: 26 Jul 2022, 11:03 »

I am following

after placing a lay bet (only bet in the market) the 'remember the starting price' trigger fires. looking at the logs it fires against the selection that I had played the lay bet on but if I look at '(sl_price_market_id_back_price' in the variable viewer it remembers the price for a different selection (and updates if the price of that other selection changes)

have I mixed something up that would cause this?


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Re: remembering a variable on a selection
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jul 2022, 11:05 »

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Re: remembering a variable on a selection
« Reply #2 on: 26 Jul 2022, 11:17 »
if I put 'sl_price_market_id_sel_name'  into the variable viewer it shows 'Benacre' rather than the 'Belon' that it was executed against

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Re: remembering a variable on a selection
« Reply #3 on: 26 Jul 2022, 17:18 »
The remember trigger is set to add new selections to the list of remembered selections (rather than start a new list each time the trigger fires)

It would be better to view the remembered variables in Engineer Mode. Just put sl_price_market_id_back_price in one cell in the Engineer mode settings. Then it will display the variable for each remembered selection.

If you want to view the remembered variables in Variable Viewer, you would need to add an index. See attached screenshot.    
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Re: remembering a variable on a selection
« Reply #4 on: 26 Jul 2022, 17:54 »
fantastic, thanks MarkV


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