Dear Oxa,
Thank you for replying.
Today I had 4 bets as below:
3.30 AYR - WON 1.84
4.30 AYR - WON 2.38
4.45 BRI - WON 1.83
5.15 BRI - WON 1.31
at 5.25pm the hist_ count was 4 and total_won was 7.36
At 5.26pm the trigger to reset the win/lose history fired. As always the figures initially return to 0 and then change back when the statement refreshes.
On this occasion the hist_count went to 3 and the total_won became 5.52. Only the first transaction was removed (3.30 race - 1.84) and the program retained the last 3 transactions. From my experiences, it only clears the history entirely once quite a time has elapsed since the last settled bet.
I ran the reset trigger again at 20.51pm and all values were set to zero.
I have attached a copy of the statement as it appeared after the 20.51pm reset was done. Perhaps you will understand from this screenshot what it is doing ?
Thank you for a very wonderful product. I hope you can eliminate this frustrating blip

My Best Wishes