Author Topic: Selections from file not working  (Read 1356 times)

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Selections from file not working
« on: 07 Oct 2020, 14:45 »
Hi, what is the correct format and requirements for loading selections from a file to use them in a trigger please? Does the file need to be saved in a particular location maybe?
I’ve followed instructions and tried different formatting as well as both txt and csv files, but selections don’t seem to be recognised (or only for the odd race for some reason).
Subsequently I’ve also tried the “selection’s name is in a list” option, and copying and pasting them in, but again it doesn’t seem to work, or at least not all the time.

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Re: Selections from file not working
« Reply #1 on: 08 Oct 2020, 17:41 »
Enclose selection names in quotes and each on a separate line. Please see attached screenshot.  
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